On Saturday 9th June, 2018, nearly 40 departments were placed on orange alert for severe storms and thunderstorms. Between heavy rains and lightning, the sky did damage.
Close to lightning throughout France Saturday 9th June, 2018. At the end of the day, 35 departments, from Normandy to Brittany through the south of the country, were placed on orange alert for severe weather and thunderstorms .
The sky has done damage on its way. Overview.
Homes struck by lightning

The region of Brittany has not been spared by the weather. On the contrary. In the afternoon, two houses were struck by lightning.
The first at Saint-Bihy (Côtes d’Armor) , the second at Coglès , near Fougères (Ille et-Vilaine ). The tenant of the latter is collapsed and still in shock as she explains to our colleagues in The Republican Chronicle :
“It was like a big shot (…) We lost everything.”
Still in Brittany, torrential rains fell on certain places during the day. Especially on the side of Vitré, where a departmental road was closed , and in Saint-Malo where a tree was lying on the road .
Firefighter interventions
In total, on the day of Saturday, June 9, 2018, the firefighters intervened 335 times in the Sarthe . In the afternoon, heavy showers were taking place in the department.
In Normandy , more specifically in the Orne, fire fighters intervened 35 times for minor events.
Floods in Lorraine
The Lorraine was also hit by the storms. At the end of the day, there were many floods on the department. These images speak for themselves.