One Year after the Commissioning of the TGV Océane, Traffic Increased by 60% between Paris and Toulouse

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In one year, the TGV Océane is the subject of a first positive assessment, according to the SNCF

The TGV Océane is one year old. On this occasion, the SNCF established Monday 25th June, 2018 a positive balance sheet of its first year of operation between Toulouse and Paris. The point on the numbers

One year after the implementation of the  High Speed ​​Line between Bordeaux and Paris, Sunday 2nd  July, 2017, the SNCF prepares an initial assessment of TGV Océane. These trains offer travelers the opportunity to reach the center of the capital from Toulouse, in just 4 hours 20 minutes. Through the TGV Océane, 35,000 additional passengers were able to travel between Toulouse and Paris.

On the road to success

In the space of one year of operation, SNCF recorded a 60% increase in traffic between Paris and Toulouse.  Which corresponds to more than a million travelers  who have taken this line. On the strength of this success, the service to Toulouse was reinforced with six return trips a day. Gwendoline Cazenave, Atlantic TGV Director, welcomes these results, which ” exceed the targets set”  at the launch of the TGV Océane … Despite the disruption caused by the railway workers’ strike.

“Three times more young people”

On the occasion of this first assessment , the SNCF has seen a sharp increase in the number of young people on the Toulouse Paris line, particularly through the use of TGV Max and Carte jeunesse subscriptions. Gwendoline Cazenave says:

“Since the launch of the line,  three times more young  people have traveled between Toulouse and Paris, a large majority for leisure . Several price offers have been established according to the needs of the clientele . The goal is to develop young trafficand thus attract a growing audience in our trains.”

Furthermore, SNCF also registered an increase of 80% of the reasons for travel professionals in a year. For the railway group, the reason for this success can be explained by the introduction of a fixed price of € 49 , which is competitive with the aircraft. In addition, new offers have been put in place: the “DUO TGV” (two tickets for the price of one) as well as “The smart return trip”, in order to allow travelers to benefit from a minimum reduction 20% off tickets for short breaks.

Another argument for SNCF and local authorities to continue the mobilization for LGV between Bordeaux and Toulouse.

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