Thousands of Eurostar Lille-London Tickets at 39 Euros

An important promotion for Eurostar tickets between Lille and London has been launched.

A flash sale was launched by Eurostar: 65,600 discount tickets. Travels from Lille (Nord) to London for 39 euros.

Eurostar has just launched a large flash sale of more than 65,000 tickets for London from 39 euros. A promo that concerns departures (and returns) from the station LIlle Europe.

But be careful, as often in such cases, there are conditions to benefit from it.

Book by the 18th March, 2018

The first is that we must act quickly because it is necessary to book before Sunday 18th March, 2018 for a trip between the 22nd March and the 23rd August.

Several periods do not offer this type of tickets, basically the most popular ones (school holidays, weekends, etc.).

Nevertheless, it remains a sacred good plan!

Information and reservations by clicking on this link.

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