Fréhel: The Lego® Enthusiast, Alexandre Blanchet Exposes 60,000 Pieces

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Fréhel: The Lego® Enthusiast, Alexandre Blanchet Exposes 60,000 Pieces 1

The childhood passion of Alexandre Blanchet reappeared 3 years ago and since then, the cook of the Ehpad of Fréhel and inhabitant of Pléneuf, assembles tens of thousands of Lego®.

This is a very unusual exhibition that currently occupies the patio of the Ehd Poor Gold, Fréhel (Côtes d’Armor) . The space, which throughout the year hosts many local artists, is replaced this time by the astonishing collection of Lego® by Alexandre Blanchet, who is also the chef of the establishment.

At 27, he is called an AFOL (Adult fan of Lego®) . Alexandre Blanchet is passionate about the famous small colored bricks, which have just turned 60 years old.

Small, I was already a fan. As a teenager, I left that aside. Three years ago, I was looking for a gift for my godchild and at the turning of a toy department, my childhood passion came back. I bought a box and got over it, he explains. In November, with other passionate Afol Breizh association, I participated in an exhibition for a school in Plérin. The idea of ​​renewing the experience with the Golden Whites comes from there.”

The city and the jungle in 60 000 Lego®

Philippe Berthou, the host of the establishment is leaving. For the occasion, Alexandre has staged 60 000 small bricks around two themes, the city and the jungle, one of his personal creations. Because if the brand offers different universes to recreate, the young man cultivates his own creations.

“Everything is possible. The only restrictions are certainly the place and the budget, continues the passionate. Because it has a cost. But I do not know how to evaluate my collection. Some parts are no longer marketed, which can increase their value. However, it is a passion, the Afol do not make a business.”

These three cars, out of the trilogy "Back to the future" are no longer manufactured, so Alexander has found the parts needed for his project.
These three cars, out of the trilogy “Back to the future” are no longer manufactured, so Alexander has found the parts needed for his project. (© The Petit Bleu of the Côtes d’Armor)

Six and a half hours to install everything

Word of mouth is already working. Young and old, passionate or simply curious, come to discover and observe the city built by Alexander. On a surface of five meters by three, buildings, shops, characters, cars, trains and motorized rides are a living and realistic urban landscape.

“I put six and a half hours to install everything. Some elements were pre-mounted, to save time. The buildings are mounted like a doll’s house, everything is there, not just the facades.”

Tens of thousands of bricks

The 60,000 pieces on display represent only about three quarters of the Pléneuvien’s collection. The rest is preciously kept at the young cook who spends an average of seven hours a week on his passion. The latter buys its bricks in toy stores, but also on the internet, for more specific parts.

There are Lego® Stores where you buy what you need to build your universe. Flea markets and exchanges of pieces between enthusiasts can also find the rare piece. But, it is sometimes long when the element is no longer manufactured.

For young visitors, a small game of observation is proposed. Passionate to the tips of his fingers, Alexandre also animates a Facebook page, Brick Box 22 , on which he delivers opinions and advice. 


Practical information:
Exhibition, Patio des Blés d’Or, Fréhel, until March 11, from 14h to 18h.

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