Road safety: Nine in Ten French are Planning to Drink Alcohol on New Years Eve

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9 out of 10 French plan to drink on New Years Eve

ALCOHOL: Among the French half of which will come by car, only 41% have made special arrangements …

Festive and watered with plenty of alcohol, the evening of New Year is one of the most dangerous on the roads. Approaching New years eve, associations and public authorities urge caution not to end 2017 in a dangerous and deadly situation.

A study says that 85% of the French celebrate the end of the year in a group, with friends or family, according to an annual study by associations Road safety and Prevention Attitude. They also planned to drink, with nearly nine in ten (88%) consuming alcohol, and 62% expect that they will take three or more drinks.

Only 41% have made special arrangements

But among the half of French which will come by car, only 41% have made special arrangements. Taxi, car sharing, public transport (free all night in many cities), “Evening Captain” … There are many solutions.

“Many French say” I’ll wait before I get behind the wheel. ” But people often have a poor idea of their own alcohol and do not know the evacuation time of alcohol. It eliminates approximately 0.1 g/l of blood in an hour, “says Anne Lavaud, general delegate of the Association Road Safety has launched a campaign”  #Bienrentrer , Manual. ”

Sixteen died in the 2016 Christmas Eve

“93% of drivers involved in an accident with alcohol are men,” said Anne Lavaud otherwise.

Last year, 16 people lost their lives that night, almost double the mortality of any other day of the year. In 2016, alcohol was involved in 29% of fatal accidents, or 819 people killed.

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