Netflix Increases its Rates in France and the US

Finance Lifestyle Television
Netflix to increase prices in France and the US

TELEVISION: This increase is immediate for all new subscriptions. And gradually apply to existing customers of the video service …

Netflix announced on Thursday an increase in its prices in the United States and several European countries, which has driven up its share price by nearly 4% on the New York Stock Exchange .

France also concerned

The base price of 7.99 dollars per month, which makes watching Netflix on a single screen, does not change. In contrast, the best-selling subscription at $ 9.99 so far, allowing access to programs on two screens simultaneously, passes 10.99 dollars. The most expensive subscription (up to 4 screens) up 2 dollars to $ 13.99 dollars, said Netflix in a statement.

In the US, these increases took effect on Thursday for new subscribers while existing subscribers “will be informed of the increase” from the 19th October which gradually take place in the coming months, said the US-based group in California, recalling that the last increase was in October, 2015.

Netflix said the increase, besides the United States, would also take effect in several European countries, including France, the UK or Germany.

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