HEALTH: Between January and July 2017, cigarette sales increased 9.2% despite the introduction of neutral package …
Seven months after the arrival of neutral package , imposed by law on the 1st January 2017, cigarette sales have increased according to information published Wednesday by RTL. Sales increased by 9.2% between January and July 2017 after the French customs, confirming a trend already rising in the first quarter of the year .
Towards the package to 10 euros
These packets of cigarettes, identical regardless of the brand and type of product and decked photos of the Campaign for Tobacco Control, would they therefore less effective than expected to lower the smoking ? It is too early to tell. In comparison, between January and July 2016, the sale of cigarettes increased by 15%.
The new government has announced plans to increase the price of a pack of cigarettes to ten euros, a measure that sparked the discontent of tobacconists