This month, could be among the five hottest months of June since 1900 in the Loire Atlantique. Since the weekend, the heat wave has settled. The heat wave is expected to last until Thursday 22nd June
Temperatures will continue to rise early this week, reaching 35.6° C. The Loire Atlantique department was placed on orange alert for heatwave yesterday by Meteo France. The peak heat is expected today, the hot weather to remain until at least Wednesday.
It is advisable to drink frequently and abundantly, to wet the body and spend several hours in the day in a cool place. Increased vigilance is required, especially to vulnerable people (those over 65, disabled or sick at home, dependent people, young children and infants). These are particularly exposed to the risk of dehydration because they sweat a lot to maintain their bodies at the right temperature. To remedy this, they should drink plenty of water.
The Heatwave info service also offers advice on 0800 06 66 66 (free call from a landline), Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 8 pm.