Another hot day for the Charente today with thunderstorms forecast tonight

Weather in Charente: Hot and Thunderstorms in the Evening

WEATHER: Another hot day for the Charente department, with thunderstorms forecast for the evening … Today is the first day of summer. It was hot during the night and it’s already hot this morning upon waking in the Charente department. The sun is still shining today, despite the presence of some low clouds that will soon clear […]

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The orange alert, heatwave warning continues in the Loire Atlantique

Loire Atlantique still on Heatwave Orange Alert

This month, could be among the five hottest months of June since 1900 in the Loire Atlantique. Since the weekend, the heat wave has settled. The heat wave is expected to last until Thursday 22nd June Temperatures will continue to rise early this week, reaching 35.6° C.  The Loire Atlantique department was placed on orange alert […]

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The Charente has been placed on an Orange Alert for High winds and storms

Charente Placed on Orange Alert for High Winds and Thunderstorms

Meteo France has placed the Charente on orange alert for strong winds and storms. A total of 33 departments throughout the western quarter are concerned, the Charente-Maritime, Vienne and Deux-Sèvres. Meteo France has placed the Charente on orange alert for strong winds and storms. A total of 33 departments throughout the western quarter are concerned, […]

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Meteo France has placed 21 departments on Orange Alert

Snow and Ice Warning: 21 Departments on Orange Alert

Météo France has placed 21 departments on orange alert because of freezing rain, snow and ice in the night from Saturday to Sunday. It is expected in Maine-et-Loire, Sarthe and northern France on Sunday morning through to the Île-de-France. 21 departments have just been placed on orange alert because of a risk of freezing rain, […]

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The Loire Atlantique has been placed on Orange Alert for strong winds

Loire Atlantique: Storm Warning this Friday 3rd February

Loire Atlantique as the Maine-et-Loire, Mayenne, Vendee and the Ille-et-Vilaine are placed in amber alert this Friday morning by Meteo France. Strong gusts of around 90-110 km/h inland are expected. Traffic on the bridge of Saint-Nazaire may be disturbed. Meteo France placed five new departments in the west of France orange alert in their newsletter 6 […]

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Four departments in the Northwest of France have been placed on Orange alert

Storm: Orange Alert in Four Western Departments

A storm and high winds forecast from this Thursday evening. Four departments were placed on orange alert by Météo France. Meteo France placed the coast of Finistere and Morbihan in orange alert wave-flooding from Thursday. These two departments and the English Channel and the Cotes d’Armor were also placed in vigilance violent storm-winds. This is […]

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End of Orange alert for snow in Corsica

Corsica: End of the Orange Alert for Snow

Meteo France ends the orange alert in Corsica because of heavy snowfall. 3600 homes are still without power. Weather conditions complicate the work of the EDF teams. About 3 600 households were left without electricity in the early afternoon Sunday because snowfall that affected Corsica, where the orange alert has been lifted by Météo France. […]

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