The idea is original: a festival dedicated to Paté in all forms. It has arrived in Trentemoult, Reze this Saturday 13th May, at the Maison des Isles.
Sure, the next festival will take place at Pâtéstival Trentemoult. It is a proposal both serious and funny with a program on all day around a contest. Sixteen competitors are enrolled. They will be judged by a jury of high-profile, advised by “expert consultant” , Master Pâtélovici. It is suspected the pseudo but we will not know more.
The festival will take place in or around the Maison des Isles by time. It all starts at 10 am with the presentation of 30 competitors and their works. They must bring two patés, the same, meat, vegetables or fruit. One of the Patés is reserved to the jury, the second will be available to the public. At 1pm, the jury begins to taste and during that time, the public will listen to music.
Saturday, 13th May from 10.30 am till 6pm, Maison des Isles et autour, allée Choëmet, Trentemoult, à Rezé.