Laval: A Carpet to Warm Cathedral

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The Catherdral in Laval will have electric underfloor heating

To remedy the lack of heating, the Cathedral in Laval, an historical monument will soon be equipped with an underfloor heated carpet.

“The site should be completed by early summer,” said Philippe Benezech, architect of buildings in France based Laval.  Without doubt, next winter, the faithful of the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity will once again be hot. “In the absence of heating, we can no longer use the cathedral. The fallback to the Notre-Dame Basilica Avesnières is not suitable for everyone. The cathedral is their church. “ In the cold since November 2015, the building will be equipped with an underfloor heating carpet. “It is a mat placed under the chairs of the faithful”, says the engineer. A new type of heating than the forced air boiler from 1950, which has given up the ghost.

113 m 2 of carpet

No less than 113 m 2 anthracite gray carpeting are planned. Only areas covered chairs and the nave of the church will be equipped. “We will not install this device in the aisles of the cathedral, added Philippe Benezech. The new heating system will be electric rather than oil fuel, says the architect. The carpet will be installed under the tiles of the cathedral. To do this, they will be removed one after the other. “

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