While she was at the top of the structure, the girl slipped from a height of three metres …
A 12-year-old girl died on Saturday of her injuries after falling four days earlier of a ropes course in Gueret, in Creuse. Tuesday, the schoolgirl playing with two friends on this metal structure, located on a leisure area and normally off limits. The route requires climbing equipment and is accessible only in the summer months under supervision, indicated a spokesman at the town hall. A sign prohibiting use was in place on the day of the tragedy.
The girl fell on her head from a height of three metres
While she was at the top of the structure, the girl slipped, falling on her head from a height of three metres, on a concrete floor. Hospitalized in a coma in Gueret, then airlifted to University Hospital of Limoges (Haute-Vienne), she underwent surgery last Wednesday without success. Faced with a hopeless diagnosis, the family agreed that the coma is not extended.
At the request of Michel Vergnier, the Mayor of Gueret, municipal services will investigate whether a normally closed gate, which bars access to the ropes course, had been opened on the day of the accident, as the testimony suggested.
An investigation by the police has been opened by the prosecutor of the city to determine the circumstances of the accident. The family of the young victim has in turn filed a complaint and an autopsy should be performed on Tuesday. Access to the ropes course has been placed under seal, until investigations are concluded.