This Friday, August 19th, a delegation of CGT from Ille-et-Vilaine, Mayenne and Cofiroute distributed leaflets on the Labour Law to motorists.
Yesterday afternoon, the toll of La Gravelle (Mayenne), a delegation of activists of the CGT from the Ille-et-Vilaine, Mayenne and Cofiroute, conducted an operation of giving information of the labour law to motorists. Action with leafleting for “sensitize employees, back from vacation, soon invited to discuss this law in their business,” recalled Loïc Morel, general secretary of the departmental union CGT 35. The union has said that it will remain “mobilized” until the time the “law is withdrawn.”
Thursday 15th September, will be a new day of action at the invitation of the unions CGFT, FO, FSU, Solidaires, UNEF, Unel and LDIFs.