Fleeing the “jungle” of Calais, migrants flock to the Northern port of Caen, Ouistreham in recent weeks. Their goal, to get to England.
Since the beginning of 2016, new migrants arrive in numbers in Ouistreham, the port north of Caen (Calvados). A direct consequence of tighter conditions in the “jungle” of Calais. Their goal? To cross the Channel towards England, embarking on board trucks for the ferries. But the police are there to dissuade them. And if that was not enough to stop them from approaching the terminal, migrants must still cross the barbed wire fences, which are well-lit throughout the night.

Young Iranians
Before, in Ouistreham the migrants were mainly from Albania, but these new migrants from Calais are mostly from Iran, but also Iraq and Syria. They are young people between 25 and 35 years on average. And every day, almost, it’s the same process. There are ten to fifteen every night near the ferry terminal waiting and trying to board the lorries.
They are already on the way to destroying this beautiful town. Eventually people will stop using the hotels and restaurants, because they are afraid to leave their cars parked anywhere. We use this port on a regular basis, but are now considering sailing from St. Malo instead, where there is far tighter security. It’s a great shame, but the Gendarmerie don’t appear to be very interested in what the future brings. To be fair, if they round them all up, what do they do with them? The problem will only be solved when Europe realises what the continent is going to become, and takes the neccessary military action off the coast of Libya.