The consumer association UFC Que Choisir unveiled Monday …
The UFC Que Choisir consumer association announced today, Monday that the indication of the origin of meat in processed products, a claim breeders who are not required today, was absent for more than half of the products meat.
In total, 54% of processed meat products do not have on the origin of the meat, but this represents three quarters of chicken-based products, more than half of those pork, and 30% of those beef base.
The labelling of the origin of the meat is mandatory for whole pieces, but not when the meat was prepared by a manufacturer to make sandwiches, prepared meals or charcuterie, where it depends only on the goodwill of industy.
The UFC notes in particular that three quarters of frankfurters bear no indication of country of origin, and it is the same for 62% of chicken nuggets, 87% of poultry meats, or 92% of sandwiches with ham.
Concerning trademarks, the association points out that five major brands consistently indicate the origin of meat they use: Le Gaulois, Charal, Marie, Findus et Zapetti. Unlike Dalinat, Père dodu et Sodebo never indicate, according to the association.
The food group Fleury Michon, which does not specify the origin of the meat of 33% of its processed meat products, announced Monday, in reaction to the study of the UFC, he would now show it on the all of its products.
Among the private brands, only Intermarché indicate the origin with 84% of labelled products, against 23% for Leader Price, Casino 24%, 32% to 33% for Auchan and Leclerc.
“The disappointment of the transparency issue is huge!” Exclaims after having scrutinized the labels of 245 common foods to beef meat, pork and chicken 13 major national brands and 7 stores supermarkets.
After the food scandal, with horse meat being found in lasagne in 2013, “it was hoped that it would bring about better labelling” and for a few weeks it was able to put pressure on Brussels.
However, the European Commission has “not adopted regulatory action (unlike past scandals), finding sufficient information given voluntarily by manufacturers sufficient.” The consumer association is now demanding it adopts “a regulation mandatory labelling of national origin in processed products. “