Pas-de-Calais: A Police Officer Committed Suicide with his Service Weapon at his Home

General News Local News
Police officer in the Pas -de-Calais has committed suicide

This Monday morning, a police officer assigned to the Calais police station for ten years, killed himself by shooting himself in the chest with his service weapon. This is the second suicide in the ranks of the national police since the start of 2021.

It was his colleagues who found him dead at his home. Worried not to have seen him arrive at work this morning, the police had decided to go to his home in the village of Zutkerque ‘Pas-de-Calais), shortly after 9 am.

The emergency services could not do anything to save him. Father of a family, the police officer who committed suicide was going to be 50 years old and had two children aged 12 and 28 months, says Radio 6 .

While the year has barely started, the police already have several suicides in 2021. Last year, at least 28 police officers took their own lives. To contain the phenomenon, the Interior Ministry opened a crisis line last summer for police officers who were victims of attacks or threats.

The Ministry of the Interior opened a crisis line last summer for police officers who are victims of attacks or threatsShe can be reached on 0800 95 00 17, every day from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.

A 24-hour psychological support unit was also opened a year ago for members of the police. They can contact the service by dialling 0805 230 405. The calls are “anonymous, confidential and free”.

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