The organization of the Christmas market in Strasbourg on hold for security matters following the attacks of Paris …
The question of maintaining the Christmas market in Strasbourg, as elsewhere in Alsace, always arises. His organization is still on hold for security matters following the attacks in Paris and the establishment of the state of emergency in the territory. While the mayor Roland Ries has to meet the prefect on Wednesday late afternoon on this issue, a petition is to be born on change.org.
#Strasbourg doit maintenir son marché de Noël ! Ne pas céder a la terreur! – Signez la pétition #marchenoel https://t.co/9VeK8p2d3e
— Lucie Fhrn (@LucieFhrn) November 18, 2015
Called “Following the attacks of Paris, Strasbourg the people must maintain its Christmas market! “It was signed Wednesday afternoon by over 600 people.
At the origin of this initiative, a student wishes to show that” we are ready to resist, ready to prove that we, in Strasbourg, French, citizens did not give satisfaction these terrorists. ”
Another initiative of its kind on the Internet: a Facebook page “For the maintenance of the Christmas market in Strasbourg” was joined by almost 3,500 people in a few days.