IMMIGRATION The mayor has answered the call of the network of inclusive cities …
After the dreadful and shocking photos of Aylan, the Syrian boy drowned after trying to reach Turkey, it seems he has urged governments to mobilize for the cause of migrants … Friday, the Socialist mayor of Rennes Nathalie Appéré said it had responded to the call by the network of inclusive cities, saying they are ready to welcome migrants.
“Our city is and will live up to its responsibilities. Rennes is already involved in the reception and accompaniment of migrants. But today, the humanitarian situation requires us to do more for the refugees. We are ready, “said the mayor in a statement.
The debate in city council
There will be a debate on Monday night at the city council when elected officials will discuss the resolution on the Coorus device (social network Emergency Coordination). Created in 2011 after the evacuation of the squat at Postel Street, this platform was supposed to be temporary and regularly welcome newcomers, with the support of the State and its facilities.
But this hosting solution offered voluntarily by the city faces some hurdles to overcome, and has indicated that reception conditions should evolve. Earlier in the day, the city of Saint-Nazaire has also indicated its interest in hosting migrants.
Note that at the same time, the city of Rennes sought the Deportation of migrants camp installed in the camping “Gayeulles”. After a meeting on Friday morning, the Administrative Court has put the decision under advisement and decide in a month. “As an institution, we can not accept an illegal occupation, especially when it endangers its occupants,” responded the Assistant Frédéric Bourcier solidarity.