The Thoiry Park Zoo welcomes a newcomer, a small Somalia donkey …
The Thoiry Zoological Park (Yvelines) posted on earlier today, Tuesday, the exceptional birth of a Somalia donkey, an endangered animal, according to information from the Parisien newspaper. A happy rare event, as there are only forty of these animals in captivity in Europe.
Called Shabelle, the new donkey was born of Zula and Chimo, two donkeys which arrived at the park in November 2013. Located next to the lions enclosure, the new colt is a light gray colour with stripes on its legs and big ears, and can be seen by visitors along with its mother.
“Exceptional birth”
If you want see Shabelle, you should arrange to go early, as part of a European program for species conservation, the little donkey will be quickly be separated from his mother. The animals are actually exchanged between different zoos for species preservation.
It is estimated that there are only 700 Somali donkeys would in the world, mainly in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia). “Hunted for its meat and its alleged medicinal properties, Somali donkey is placed on the list of species in critical danger of extinction. This is what makes his birth so exceptional”.
A Somali donkey gives birth on average every two years.