Covid-19: the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is "90% effective"

Covid-19: The Vaccine Developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is “90% Effective”

The coronavirus Covid-19 vaccine candidate from both pharmaceutical companies did indeed get encouraging results after the large-scale phase 3 trial. A vaccine developed by Pfizer (United States) and BioNTech (Germany) is 90% “effective” in preventing Covid-19 infections according to the large-scale phase 3 trial underway, the last step before an application for approval, the pharmaceutical companies jointly announced. Patient protection was achieved seven […]

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Around 200 people demonstrated in Brussels against the anti-coronavirus measures, while Belgium is experiencing an epidemic rebound.

Belgium: First Demonstration Against Anti-Coronavirus Measures in Brussels

COVID-19: The Coronavirus has claimed nearly 10,000 victims in Belgium More than 200 people demonstrated in Brussels on Sunday against the anti-Covid restrictions, in their view of freedom, some accusing the public authorities and experts of being in the pay of the pharmaceutical industry. “Corona circus”, “it’s my body, it’s my choice”, could we read on the signs. The anger […]

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Bill Gates, head of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, January 22, 2019 at the World Economic Forum in Davos (Switzerland) - Markus Schreiber / AP / SIPA

He Would have Created the Virus, Planned the Vaccination … Bill Gates Sweeps Away the Conspiracy Theories Accusing him of Being at the Origin of Covid-19

CONSPIRACY: Since the start of the pandemic, anti-Bill Gates rumours have been spread by dozens, in many languages ​​and on various social networks A favourite target of conspirators and other conspirators, Bill Gates is finally out of his silence. The American billionaire has swept aside conspiracy theories spread on social networks, which accuse him of being at the origin of […]

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The association France Assos Health challenges the public authorities and implicates manufacturers on drug shortages. (© AdobeStock / Illustration)

Drugs: One in Four French People has Already Faced a Shortage

According to a study unveiled by France Assos Santé, 25% of French people have already been refused the delivery of drugs or a vaccine, with sometimes serious consequences. It is a ”  potential threat to public health, ” denounces France Assos Santé . The body representing users of the health system reveals Thursday, January 17 that one in four French […]

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The National Assembly have voted to increase to 11 vaccines from 1st January

Here are the 11 Compulsory Vaccines Voted by the National Assembly

Increase from three to eleven the number of compulsory vaccines for children born from 1st January, 2018: the National Assembly voted this measure for “public health”. Increase from three to eleven the number of compulsory vaccines for children born from the 1st January, 2018  : the National Assembly voted Friday this measure for “public health”, according to the government, […]

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There will be 11 mandatory vaccines from 1st January 2018

The 11 Mandatory Vaccines for Children from 1st January 2018

VACCINES: On “CNews” Agnès Buzyn said the eleven vaccines will be mandatory from 1 January 2018 … This is information that may alarm many parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.She had promised implementation in 2018, the Health Minister Agnès Buzyn specifies that the entry into force of the eleven mandatory childhood vaccines will be […]

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Agnès Buzyn in Paris on 5 July 2017, at a press conference on vaccination and vaccines in France

Vaccines: Agnès Buzyn Regrets the “Mistrust Rooted in the Population”

In the debate on compulsory vaccination, the health minister called for “trust” in vaccines. The Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn on Saturday called to have “confidence in vaccines”, lambasting hostile parents to this type of medication for their children in full controversy over the vaccination. “The vaccines, it works, it works, it saved hundreds of millions of […]

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Agnès Buzyn, Minister of Health is considering 11 mandatory vaccines for children

The Minister of Health is Considering 11 Mandatory Childhood Vaccines

REFORM: Today the vaccination requirement applies only to three vaccines for children … Immunization visits are rarely much fun for children. And now it will not be three but eleven vaccines they should have. In any case this is the will of the new health minister, Agnès Buzyn . She is said to be thinking “to make it mandatory for […]

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The 12 European commandments to reduce his risk of cancer

The 12 European Commandments to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

It is less known that the Erasmus program, through which students circulate throughout Europe. But he saved thousands of lives and deserves at least as much attention in the year 2017 where we celebrate, like Erasmus, his 30 th birthday. This is the “Europe against cancer”. An ambitious initiative that continues today his work of […]

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The vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP), the only ones to be mandatory in France, must be available without combination with other vaccines.

The Three Mandatory Vaccines Should be Available Individually

The vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and polio (DTP), the only ones to be mandatory in France, must be available without combination with other vaccines, said Wednesday the State Council. This request had collected more than a million signatories to a petition. The Council of State, the highest administrative court in France,  “ordered the Minister of […]

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