Work on the D306 at Sablé-sur-Sarthe starts on Monday

Pays de la Loire: Attention Work on the D306 Between Sablé-sur-Sarthe and La Flèche until Wednesday 20th October

Beware of the repairs to the road on the D306 between Sablé-sur-Sarthe and La Flèche. They will last until Wednesday 20th October The services of the Departmental Council of Sarthe make asphalt works of the D306, the axis between Sablé-sur-Sarthe and La Flèche, at the level of the communes of Louailles and Vion (Châteauroux), from Monday 22nd October to Wednesday 24th October, 2018 . These works of purge of the […]

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The traffic will be fluid for the first weekend of the holiday of All Saints' Day

All Saints’ Holidays: Are You Taking to the Road this Weekend? Will it be Fluid

This Friday 19th October is the start of the holidays of All Saints and you normally take the risk of traffic if you take the road. Good news, it will be rather fluid. It’s the return of holidays! Those of All Saints begin this Friday 19th October and will end on Sunday 4th November, for all zones. Planning to take […]

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New strike action at Ryanair

New European Strike at Ryanair, 250 Cancelled Flights

STRIKE ACTION: All customers affected by cancelled flights at Ryanair have been notified by email and SMS since Tuesday  Low-cost airline Ryanair promised to fly most of its flights on Friday, despite a call for a strike in several European countries by cabin crew and pilots demanding better working conditions. The Irish carrier plans to cancel 250 of […]

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Uber drivers arrive in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Toulon

Uber Launches Monday in Three Cities in Southern France

Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Toulon … The drivers of the Uber platform arrive in three new cities this Monday, September 17th. Uber drivers arrive in Aix-en-Provence, Avignon and Toulon on Monday, according to Steve Salom, Uber’s managing director in France, Switzerland and Austria, interviewed in the  Journal du Dimanche (JDD) . The car-driver booking platform (VTC) brings the number of French cities where […]

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Hop! is offering tickets from 39 Euros

Hop! : Tickets for 39 Euros to Travel in France or Europe this Winter

The airline Hop! launches on the 13th September, 2018 a sale of tickets to 39 euros to enjoy a weekend or a stay in France or Europe Hop! , airline , launches a new price reduction campaign : a one-way trip for 39 euros (excluding service fees) to enjoy a weekend or a stay in France or Europe. Reservations must be […]

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Many bridges require repairs in France

Viaduct in Genoa: In France, 840 Bridges Threaten to Collapse

According to a report to the government in July, the overall state of the road network is very disturbing. More seriously, 7% of the 12,000 bridges are threatening to collapse. After the catastrophe of Genoa , this figure is cold in the back. In France, out of the 12,000 bridges in the country , 840 (or 7%) are threatening […]

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In Normandy at Cotentin, normal service to the Channel Islands resumes on August 18

Normandy: Between Cotentin and the Channel Islands, Crossings will Resume around August 18th

Due to technical problems, crossings between North Cotentin (Normandy) and the Channel Islands are interrupted. The company Manche Iles Express announces restarting on August 18th. Since the end of July, links between the Channel Islands and the ports of Diélette and Carteret (Normandy) have been interrupted . Due to a technical problem on its boats, and in particular […]

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Strike at Ryanair, causing distruption across Europe

Ryanair’s Massive Strike: Thousands of Passengers Affected across Europe

The Dutch pilots of the low-cost airline Ryanair decided to join the massive strike, causing many disturbances throughout Europe. The European strike of the pilots of the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair was further amplified on Thursday. A court in the Netherlands has allowed Dutch pilots to participate in the planned move on Friday, which is expected to affect […]

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