40percent of cancer is preventable with a change of lifestyle

Tobacco, Alcohol, Junk Food, Obesity … 40% of Cancer is Preventable

Of the 346,000 cancer patients diagnosed in 2015, 142,000 could have been prevented if the patients had not been exposed to risk factors, say the health authorities.  Tobacco first, then alcohol , a poor diet, and finally obesity are the four main factors in France for 40% of cancer patients that would be “avoidable”, according to figures released Monday by two health authorities.  […]

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Some brands of cigarettes will increase slightly on July 2nd |

Tobacco: New Price Adjustment for Cigarettes on July 2nd

Some brands of cigarettes will increase slightly on July 2nd, mainly those whose prices are located in the bottom of the market, according to a decree dated 7th June and published Saturday in the Official Journal. According to an order signed by the Director General of Health and the Director General of Customs and Indirect […]

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The Minister is not against the idea of ​​wearing a pack of cigarettes to 10 €. | Reuters

The Minister of Health is not against a 10 € Pack of Cigarettes

The price of a pack of cigarettes would be increased to ten euros in France while the ban on Vaping in certain public places will apply as expected in early October, said the Minister of Solidarity and Health in an interview with Le Parisien The price of a pack of cigarettes is currently about seven […]

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Plain Packaging has not affected sales of cigarettes and tobacco in France

Smoking: Four months after neutral packaging, it does not influence smoking

CIGARETTE:  shipments of cigarettes to tobacconists are up 1.4% in Q1 2017 compared to those of the first three months of 2016 … It had to be “the” measure to reduce smoking . But neutral packages, whose presence on the shelves of newsagents has been mandatory since the 1st January 2017, did not produce the […]

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The 12 European commandments to reduce his risk of cancer

The 12 European Commandments to Reduce the Risk of Cancer

It is less known that the Erasmus program, through which students circulate throughout Europe. But he saved thousands of lives and deserves at least as much attention in the year 2017 where we celebrate, like Erasmus, his 30 th birthday. This is the “Europe against cancer”. An ambitious initiative that continues today his work of […]

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Manufacturers have ultimately not raised the price of pack of cigarettes despite rising taxes ...

Smoking: Cigarette Prices will Remain Stable, Rolling Tobacco Increases

Manufacturers have ultimately not raised the price of pack of cigarettes despite rising taxes … Good news for smokers. The price of cigarette packs will remain stable, with several marks staying at the same price, despite threats of manufacturers to pass a tax on the distribution, when the price of rolling tobacco is it on […]

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Several brands of cigarettes will be banned in France

Marlboro Gold, Vogue, Cafe Cream … Several Brands of Cigarettes will be Banned in France

TOBACCO: The purpose of this measure is to further reduce the number of smokers in France, especially the younger … Their names, too positive, encourage smoking … The government continues its fight against smoking by banning the sale several known brands of cigarettes as too attractive or incentives, reveals Europe 1 . This new measure […]

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