How to recognise the Tiger Mosquito

Chikungunya, Dengue, Zika, Wesy Nile Virus: How to Recognise the Tiger Mosquito ?

The tiger mosquito is a tropical mosquito that can transmit chikungunya, but also dengue and Zika virus and is spreading across France.  Here’s how to recognize this disturbing mosquito and avoid its dangerous bites. From its scientific name Aedes albopictus, the tiger mosquito is a tropical mosquito that can transmit chikungunya, but also dengue and Zika […]

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The tiger mosquito is spreading across departments in France

Tiger Mosquito: Nine More Departments on Reg Alert, Three Quarters of the Country Affected

The tiger mosquito continues to grow in France. 51 departments have just been placed on red alert. 70% of the country is concerned by the presence of this insect. The tiger mosquito infestation in France continues to escalate, with alarming consequences. Recent reports reveal that a staggering 51 departments have been placed on red alert, […]

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Mosquitoes proliferate in the Nantes region

Mosquitoes proliferate in the Nantes region

Regional Health Agency (ARS) reports that mosquitoes abound now in the Nantes region. “Following the recent strong tidal coefficients, a moderate outbreak of mosquito Aedes eggs caspius was observed by the Atlantic EID (interdepartmental facility for mosquito control the Atlantic coast in the estuary of the Loire). Current climatic conditions favoured the increase and migration […]

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