More than four in ten French (43%) favour the decriminalization of cannabis in France

43% of French Would Support the Decrimalization of Cannabis

More than four in ten French (43%) favour the decriminalization of cannabis in France, according to a Ifop poll for Atlantico. This figure is up from the month of April 2016 where 41% of French supported this proposal. In 2012, there were only 30% and 26% in 1996, the first year of this study, conducted […]

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Eight of ten french people approve of the decision of Francois Hollande not to stand in the Presidential election in 2017

Hollande Gives Up: Eight out of ten French Approve of his Decision

SURVEY: Francois Hollande has ended the suspense on Thursday night, giving up a second term in 2017, an unprecedented announcement in the history of the Fifth Republic … According to a Harris Interactive poll for RMC published on Friday, eight out of ten French approve the decision of François Hollande not to seek a second […]

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Only 4 percent of the French are satisfied with President Francois Hollande

Only 4% of French satisfied with Francois Hollande

Francois Hollande has reached a new record of unpopularity to 96% according to the latest Ipsos-Sopra and Steria Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof). Only 4% of French people  are satisfied with the work of Francois Hollande as President, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria and the Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (Cevipof) released […]

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In a new survey published, 69 percent of French have no confidence in Vaccines

Vaccines: Only 69% of French have Confidence

Vaccines are the subject of a record skepticism on the part of the French, whose distrust also increases for most classes of drugs, and to health professionals, according to an annual study released Monday. The recent health scandals have made the French wary of vaccines . Only 69% of respondents trust them (-2 points compared […]

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In a new survey, 50 percent of French people think people in power are corrupt

Over 50% of French People Consider that those who have Power are Corrupt

SURVEY: For 40% of respondents, only “a small part of them” is corrupted … Power with corruption? For one in two French (54%), “persons exercising important responsibilities or having power are for a large part of them are corrupt,” according to a survey by  Harris Interactive, published this Thursday.  For 40% of respondents, only “a small […]

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Paris has been ranked the fourth most attractive city in the world

Paris Ranked Fourth Most Attractive City in the World

Paris ranks fourth in the most attractive cities in the world, up two places from the previous ranking established in 2014, according to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) released on Wednesday. Of the thirty cities in competition, the French capital takes the fourth place for “Cities of Opportunity 2016” by the consulting firm. In the […]

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School: 65% of French for the Return of the Uniform 1

School: 65% of French for the Return of the Uniform

How do the French do they relate to school? Three in four French people believe that the quality of teaching in schools has decreased according to a BVA poll. Other education, 65% support the return of the uniform to school. Two-thirds of French (65%) are in favor of restoring the uniform to school, a score […]

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In a recent survey, 54 percent of the French are in support of the actions against the Labour law

54% of French People Favour the Mobilization against the Labour Law

SURVEY: The supports are fewer among supporters of the Socialist Party than those of the parties to the left of the left … With the absence of a majority in the National Assembly, the government did push through the Labour Law with the motion 49-3.  The Labour Law, introduced by Myriam El Khomri, does not win […]

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Only 9% of French predict a success of the Front National in the second round of the 2017 Presidential election

Presidential 2017: 8 out of 10 French Predict a Defeat for the FN

9% of respondents in a survey released Tuesday predict a success of the FN in the second round of the presidential election in 2017. To the question, “today, as we are just one year of the next presidential election in 2017, which of the three scenarios seems most likely for 2017: the Front National candidate will […]

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7 out of 10 in favour of continuing the state of emergency

Nearly 7 out of 10 French Favour the Extension of State of Emergency

According to a survey, 69% of French people want an extension of the state of emergency beyond 21 February. Safety first. Nearly seven in ten French -69% – are in favour of extending the state of emergency beyond the 21st February.  This is according to a YouGov poll for theHuffington Post  and iTELE released yesterday, […]

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