Weekend weather forecast for Normandy

Weather in Normandy: A weekend of Hail, Rain and Clouds

The weather, Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th and Monday 27th November, 2017 are rather sullen in Normandy. Hail, rain, cloudy, grey skies … Here are the forecasts from Meteo France. In  Normandy, Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th and Monday 27th November, 2017, the  weather  is not looking good. Risk of hail, a little rain, cloudy, touches of grey skies…  Here are the forecasts […]

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Florian Valéra plays the role of Peter Pan in Disney show that will be presented on 28 and 29 November 2017. Rouen Zenith

The Magical World of Disney on Ice will Marvel at the Rouen Zenith

Florian Valéra is an ice skater and top athlete, and is in the Disney on Ice that will step in Rouen Zenith on the 28th and 29th November 2017. The show Disney on Ice the imaginary journey arrives in France at the end of 2017 and will be presented at the Zenith of Rouen (Seine-Maritime) on 28 and 29 November 2017. Mickey, […]

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A man died in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime), on Saturday

Le Havre: A Driver Discovers an Unconscious Man on his Bus, he Died Shortly After

A man was found semi-unconscious on the back of a bus in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) on Saturday 18th November, 2017. He died despite the rescue operation A man died on a bus from the LiA transport, the bus company that links around the city of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime).  He was discovered in the evening of Saturday 18th November by […]

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The weekend weather forecast for Normandy

Weather in Normandy: A Weekend of Rain, Hail and Thunderstorms

The weekend weather for Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November looks gloomy in Normandy.The forecast, rain, hail and thunderstorms with gusty winds. Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th November, 2017, the weather looks very gloomy in five departments of Normandy . The Saturday will be rainy, from morning until evening. And the Sunday will be punctuated by rain showers of hail and storms . If the climate is not […]

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A train hits a car near Deauville, Normandy

A Train Hits a Car near Deauville: 3 People Killed

ACCIDENT: A regional express train collided with a car in Bonneville-sur-Touques (Calvados). The car’s occupants died. TER train, train Regional Express, collided with a car on Thursday 2nd November, 2017 at Bonneville-sur-Touques, between Pont l’Eveque and Deauville (Calvados). It was about 4pm, when the train was travelling in the direction of Lisieux, Deauville when it collided with a car at […]

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A serious accident left two people dead and two seriously injured Wednesday 1 November 2017, in Mesnil-Raoul, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime).

Terrible Road Accident in Seine-Maritime: Two Dead, Two Seriously Injured

Wednesday 1st November 2017, a very serious road accident occurred in Mesnil-Raoul, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime). Two people died and two were seriously injured. On Wednesday 1st November 2017, around 5.30pm, a very serious accident between two cars took place on the route to Paris road at Mesnil-Raoul, near Rouen (Seine-Maritime). Two vehicles collided, head on.  Two dead and two seriously injured The […]

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Several Normandy beaches are closed to swimming

Normandy: Several Beaches Closed to Swimming

This is the case in Seine-Maritime, Calvados and Manche. The shellfish is prohibited in certain places. Asnelles, Langrune-sur-Mer Bernières-sur-Mer Varaville, Houlgate and Cabourg in Normandy; Nicolas the south beach in Granville and Saint-Jean-le-Thomas in the English Channel; Veules-les-Roses and Dieppe in Seine-Maritime … Regional Health Agency has issued several bathing bans, this Thursday, August 10th in Normandy. The fishing of […]

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Last parade this Sunday in Le Havre of the giants from Royal de Luxe

Le Havre: Giants of Royal de Luxe, Last Parade this Sunday

This is the last day to see the Giants in the streets of Le Havre. The festival begins this Sunday morning around 9 am for a final round Basin Eure. Sniff … It’s almost over already. The final step of Royal de Luxe Giants this Sunday in the streets of Le Havre, celebrating with these heroes articulated […]

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Le Havre will host some of the women's football World games in 2019, as eight other cities in France.

Football: FIFA Women’s World Cup 2019, Four Matches in Le Havre!

Le Havre will host four of the fifty-two of the Women’s World Cup football matches from the 1st to 30th June 2019. We knew the city of Le Havre included among the nine host cities for the World Cup 2019 women’s football . Sébastien Tasserie, deputy mayor for sports, told a little about the number of meetings to […]

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