The School Calendar for all the zones in France for 2016-2017

School Calendar 2016-2017: All vacations, area by area

Here is the school calendar for the 2016-2017 year for all the three zones in France … Zone A: The academies of Besançon, Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Dijon, Grenoble, Limoges, Poitiers and Lyon. Zone B: The academies of Aix-Marseille, Amiens, Caen, Lille, Nancy-Metz, Nantes, Nice, Orléans-Tours, Reims, Rennes, Rouen and Strasbourg. Zone C: The academies of Créteil academies, Montpellier, […]

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Strikes in Nantes at the Public Schools will cause some closures and disturbances

Strike: Public Schools disrupted in Nantes

In Nantes, the 113 public schools, like most municipalities in the metropolis, will be disrupted Thursday due to strike against the El Khomri Labour Law. The strike against the law El Khomri, the proposed Labour law has consequences for public schools in the city that should be disrupted on Thursday, 28th April.  In Nantes Disturbances […]

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113 Public schools in Nantes were involved in a security drill

A Security Exercise in Nantes Schools

Nantes The 113 public schools participated, on Tuesday morning, a storm simulation. 17,000 children were involved. It’s almost 10 am on Tuesday, when the fog horn sounds at the public school of Coudray and Nantes in all institutions. A clearly identifiable way to order the evacuation of classrooms. The reason? The director has been notified […]

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Day of Strikes: Schools, Taxis, Air Traffic Controllers ... 1

Day of Strikes: Schools, Taxis, Air Traffic Controllers …

A day of strikes is planned across the whole of France, which will cause major disruptions Closed doors at school, at the nursery or in the canteen, air traffic disrupted traffic blocked by taxis and angry protests: he’ll have to learn and be well organized, this Tuesday 26th January, especially in large cities. For it […]

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President Hollande annouced an investmenty of one billion euros for digital schools

Francois Hollande. One billion euros for the digital school

Hollande announced that “one billion euros over three years” will be devoted to a comprehensive plan for the digital school. President Francois Hollande indicated that the implementation of this plan began “today”. “One third of this investment will come from existing money allocated in the future investment program” and “the rest, 650 million, will be borne […]

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