Threats against six schools in Lyon

Local News
Bomb threats received at six Lycées and colleges in Lyon today

In Lyon six schools received on Monday morning, anonymous calls reporting the presence of a bomb, causing the temporary evacuation of two of them.

The four Lycées and two colleges at around 9am received bomb threats from the same pre-recorded message, said a spokesman for the prefecture of the Rhone.

Six institutions concerned

The alerts concerned the lycées Edouard-Herriot (6e arrondissement), Ampère (2e), Jean-Perrin (9e), la cité scolaire internationale (7e), ainsi que les collèges Henri-Longchambon (8e) et Jean de Verrazane (9e).  Only Edouard-Herriot Lycée and Longchambon college were evacuated temporarily for inspections by the police.

Contacted, the Rector of the Academy of Lyon did not want to communicate immediately. The prefect of the Rhone, Delpuech Michel for his part, gave instructions to “cool” to school staff, according to the spokesman of the prefecture.

In Paris, students from three high schools were evacuated on Monday morning, following threats for the third time in a week in establishments of the capital, said the rector of Paris.


Tuesday and Thursday of last week, several institutions, including the three targeted Monday, have been the target of “threats”, which had resulted in evacuating high school students.  Each time, the police had found nothing and colleges had resumed their normal operation.

During these alerts, high school students can be contained, gathered in a particular room or in the courtyard, according to the emergency control specific plans (PPMS specific to each institution).

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