Already a union calling on railway workers not to check the pass sanitaire on trains

Already a Union Calling on Railway Workers Not to Check the Pass Sanitaire on Trains

The health bill definitively adopted last night by Parliament provides in particular for the extension of the Pass Sanitaire (negative Covid test, vaccination certificate or recovery certificate) to passengers of long-distance trains and to employees carrying out their activity on board. SNCF employees such as railway security controllers and agents will therefore have to have […]

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Coronavirus in Corsica: New health restrictions in Balagne and Saint-Florent

Coronavirus in Corsica: New Health Restrictions in Balagne and Saint-Florent

In these very touristy areas of Corsica, bars and restaurants will close at 11 p.m. from July 14th to August 1st As the tourist season begins in Corsica, the rise in Covid-19 cases comes at the worst time. The prefect of Haute-Corse François Ravier had yet to resolve to announce Tuesday evening new restrictive measures, applicable from July […]

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Deconfinement: curfews, bars and restaurants, sport ... What is changing today

Deconfinement: Curfews, Bars and Restaurants, Sport … What is Changing Today

From Wednesday 9th June 2021, a new stage of gradual deconfinement in France, several restrictions will be eased, especially in bars and restaurants. Details. It is the penultimate stage of deconfinement before, perhaps, a return to normal life. From June 9th, 2021, the French will once again be able to invest in the interior of bars and restaurants, return home later […]

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Olivier Véran estimates that the number of daily cases of coronavirus will be below 15,000 by May 19, 2021.

Coronavirus: For Olivier Véran the Number of Daily Cases will be Below 15,000 in Two Weeks

PROGNOSIS: Olivier Véran is optimistic for May 19th and the second part of the plan to relax health restrictions The Minister of Health has made his calculations concerning the number of daily contamination of the coronavirus and they are optimistic. “We were at 40,000 cases per day, we are at 20,000 cases per day and the epidemic is falling […]

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Emmanuel Macron unveils deconfinement in four stages by the end of June

Coronavirus: Emmanuel Macron unveils Deconfinement in Four Stages by the End of June

COVID-19: Terraces, sports halls, curfew … Emmanuel Macron unveiled Thursday a schedule of deconfinement “in four stages”, which should accelerate between May 19th and June 30th “Stage zero was the reopening of schools on April 26th. We have assumed this educational priority and this strategy of living with the virus, ”said the Head of State in an interview […]

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Deconfinement: Travel, cinema, festivals… What place for the health pass?

Deconfinement: Travel, Cinema, Festivals… What Place for the Health Pass?

HEALTH:  The government is considering setting up the health pass, which is currently being tested for flights to Corsica… The government is currently experimenting with a health pass for flights to Corsica. The use of this digital tool, making it possible to justify a negative test – and tomorrow a vaccination certificate – is today limited […]

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Elisabeth Borne must discuss reducing health measures in companies with unions and employers

Coronavirus: Elisabeth Borne is Studying a Relaxation of Health Rules in Companies

EMPLOYMENT: Employment and working health restrictions could change from mid-May according to Elizabeth Borne Labor Minister  Elisabeth Borne is meeting with employers’ and union organizations on Monday. She will consult them in particular on teleworking in order to see how “to change the rules” of health measures in companies from mid-May. The minister said she wanted to “give […]

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Chatelet during the curfew at 6 p.m.

Coronavirus: What if We Put an End to the Curfew?

EPIDEMIC: In some areas, it has been six months since the curfew was introduced. What if it was time to lift it for good? On the 17th October 2020, Ile-de-France and eight French metropolises entered into curfew. Six months to the day later, France is still under curfew. A measure ineffective, unpopular, even downright unlivable with the return […]

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A man was arrested in Rennes after organising a party during curfew

Rennes: A Man Arrested for Having Organised a Party with 25 People in his Apartment

CURFEW: The police in Rennes was alerted by the stocks of alcohol carried out by the tenant after complaints from neighbours of a party during curfew For several weeks now, the police have been trying to put an end to the recurring nighttime noise of an inhabitant of the Gros-Chêne slab, in the district of […]

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Emmanuel Macron announces new restrictions to combat coronavirus in France

Coronavirus: Closure of Schools and Shops, School Holidays … Most of Emmanuel Macron’s Announcements

EPIDEMIC: Emmanuel Macron’s televised address this Wednesday evening announces new restrictions to curb the coronavirus epidemic in France Emmanuel Macron announced this Wednesday evening new measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic in France, which is experiencing its third wave, a year after the first. The Head of State has extended to the entire territory the restrictive […]

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