Violent storm warning for Brittany, Morbihan and Loire-Atlantique

Weather Forecast: “It Promises to be Severe” … A Violent Storm Threatens Morbihan and Loire-Atlantique

WEATHER: Christened Alex, the storm will strike overnight from Thursday to Friday across Morbihan and the Loire-Atlantique with winds of up to 160 km/h Wind gusts could reach 150 to 160 km/h on the coasts and up to 120 km/h inland, according to forecasters. “At these speeds, there is a risk of falling trees. It can be […]

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Martinique's Yaniss Odua has confirmed his presence at the Reggae Breizh Party 2020 in Pontivy, postponed to next Saturday October 3.

Coronavirus: Reggae Breizh Party Postponed to October in Pontivy

The sixth edition of the Reggae breizh Party was to be held next June in Pontivy. Because of the Coronavirus epidemic, it has been postponed to Saturday 3rd October 2020. A large part of the programming is maintained. It will be the biggest concert given at Pontivy this year. It was to be held on Saturday 13th […]

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Gradual return of rail traffic at 12 o'clock after SNCF Strike

SNCF Strike: Gradual Return of Traffic at 12 o’clock

A social movement again disrupts the train traffic this Sunday 20th October 2019. The SNCF announces a gradual resumption of traffic from noon, in Morbihan and Brittany. Train traffic is still disrupted this Sunday 20th October 2019, due to the continuation of the social movement committed Friday. SNCF announced early in the morning a service “very disturbed” […]

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"Act 14" Yellow Vests. Between 1,500 and 2,000 people demonstrate in Pontivy

“Act 14” Yellow Vests: Between 1,500 and 2,000 People Demonstrate in Pontivy

Between 1500 and 2000 yellow vests are on parade in Pontivy (Morbihan), this Saturday 16th February, since 2 pm, for their 6th regional meeting. Important security measures were taken in this city of Central Brittany, after the clashes found during the demonstration in Lorient, Saturday 9th February, which led to ten arrests and made a slight […]

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Demonstration of "yellow vests", in Marseille, on February 9, 2019.

Yellow Vests Act 14: New Mobilisation this Saturday with the Desire of a “Return to the Sources”

Paris, Toulouse, Marseille, Pontivy … For the third month of mobilisation, Yellow Vests are back in the street for act 14, Saturday 16th February Three months of demonstrations , a movement still scattered and a beginning of weariness that wins the opinion: for their act 14, the “yellow vests” want to act everywhere on Saturday but also Sunday […]

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Shops in Morbihan, authorised to open ion Sunday in December

Morbihan: Shops Authorised to Open on December

An order was made for the opening of shops and some commercial areas and town centres in Morbihan on Sunday 2nd and 9th December 2018. A decision motivated by the “consequent loss of turnover as the holidays approach” , in connection with the mobilisation of yellow vests since November 17th. The prefect of Morbihan, Raymond […]

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4.5 kg of heroin, 260 grams of cannabis resin, 0.5 grams of cocaine, 6 grams of grass, 29 plants of cannabis and the sum of 5,620 euros in cash were seized in Morbihan

Morbihan: Six People Arrested, 4.5 Kilos of Heroin Seized

A large drug trafficking has just been dismantled, on Friday in Morbihan. Six people were arrested early this morning and taken into custody and 4.5 kilos of heroin was seized. A large drug trafficking has just been dismantled, on Friday in Morbihan. Six people were arrested early this morning and taken into custody. They were […]

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Gueltas'anime offers a St. Patrick's Day in the colors of Ireland, Saturday, March 17 ...

Gueltas: March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day will be celebrated in music …

As every year, members of Gueltas’anime prepare for St. Patrick’s Day which will take place on Saturday 17th March “O’Gueltas Irish pub is the name of our ephemeral pub that will open its doors again at the room Ellebore de Gueltas Saturday 17th March from 7pm for an exceptional evening,” announces the president of Gueltas’anime , Sylvette Le Strat. […]

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The Prefect of Morbihan asked the police to increase the number of road checks during the Christmas holiday season.

Routes of Morbihan: Reinforced Police and Gendarmerie Patrols at Christmas

In the first eleven months of the year, 40 people died on the roads of Morbihan, a figure up 33% compared to last year at this time. Faced with this alarming situation, the Prefect of Morbihan asked the police to increase the number of road checks during the Christmas holiday season. The Prefect of Morbihan asked […]

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Hit by a car in Morbihan, the woman was dragged for several kilometres

Morbihan: Hit by a Car, a Woman Dragged Several Kilometers

ACCIDENT: The victim, a woman in her thirties who was returning from an evening out, died … The horror. On the night of Friday to Saturday, a woman in her thirties was struck on a country road between Remungol Moréac and south of Pontivy in Brittany. The driver of the vehicle continued driving, dragging the body of […]

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