Savoie and Haute-Savoie placed on orange alert for avalanches

Avalanches: Savoie and Haute-Savoie Placed on Orange Alert by Meteo France

ALERT: A strong warming of temperatures will weaken the strong snowpack threatening avalanches in Savoie and Haute-Savoie, causing the Orange alert warning by Meteo France Meteo France issued an avalanche warning bulletin on Saturday afternoon. This orange alert concerns the two Alpine departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie. The alert will begin Sunday at noon and end Monday morning, says the weather agency. […]

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The orange alert for “violent wind” has been extended to nearly 12 departments in central-eastern France.

Gusts of Violent Wind: Orange Alert Extended to 12 Departments of the Center-East

On the night of Thursday 19th December to Friday 20th December, a stormy episode will hit the Center-East and Burgundy. Twelve departments are placed on orange alert this Thursday. After having placed the departments of Rhône, Loire and Haute-Loire in orange vigilance “strong wind”, Meteo France has just extended vigilance to 9 other departments of Center-East and in Burgundy. Are concerned: Ain, Allier, Ardèche, Cantal, Côte-d’Or, Drôme, Isère, Puy-de-Dôme and […]

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Another 70.000 homes without electricity due to high winds

Gale in the West: Another 70,000 Homes Without Electricity

According to Enedis, up to 400,000 homes were deprived of electricity in the West on Friday 13th December 2019, after strong winds overnight from Thursday to Friday. Strong winds shook the west of France, on the night of Thursday, 12th December to Friday, 13th December 2019. What deprive up to 400,000 homes of electricity, reports Enedis, in […]

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14 South West departments and Corsica in orange alert for wind, rain anjd floods

Violent Winds and Floods: 14 South West Departments and Corsica in Orange Alert

Due to heavy weather (strong winds, rain-floods, waves-submersion), Meteo France has extended the orange alert to 16 departments, this Friday 13th December  Attention to those in the South West of France and Corsica. This Friday 13th December 2019, Meteo France has expanded the orange alert for violent winds, rainfall, flood waves, to 16 departments.  These are: Ariège, Aveyron, Charente-Maritime, Dordogne, Haute-Garonne, […]

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Bad weather: the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var in red alert for "rain and floods"

Bad Weather: Alpes-Maritimes and the Var in Red Alert for “Rain and Floods”

Meteo France has placed the Alpes-Maritimes and the Var in red alert for “rain and floods”. The Vaucluse, the Drôme and the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence are in an orange alert. Meteo France has just updated its weather report. From now on, the Maritime Alps and the Var are placed in red alert rain and floods . The Vaucluse, the Drôme, and the […]

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An intense Mediterranean episode will hit the south-east of France, where five departments, Var, Gard, Herault, Lozere and Ardeche, were placed on orange alert storms and rain-flooding.

Thunderstorms, Rains, Floods, Strong Winds: Eleven departments of the South-East on Orange Alert

An intense Mediterranean episode continues in the south of France this Saturday 23rd November 2019. Météo France has placed 11 departments in orange alert for storms and rain-flooding and strong winds, anticipating an intense Mediterranean episode in the south of France for Saturday. In its 6 o’clock bulletin, Meteo France judged that the current episode of intense rainfall required […]

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11 departments placed on orange alert

Snow, Ice, Floods, Thunderstorms … 11 Departments of the East and South-East on Orange Alert

All the Rhone Valley and the Côte d’Azur are placed on orange alert because of a strong weather phenomenon, which starts this Thursday 14th November. The forecasts Snowfall, heavy rains, thunderstorms, strong winds and strong waves. The East and the South-East are going to be affected by a strong enough weather phenomenon as early as Thursday 14th November 2019 in […]

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The Pas-de-Calais on orange alert for possible floods

The Pas-de-Calais Placed on Orange Alert for Floods

WEATHER: Many streams are full in the area around Pas-de-Calais after heavy rains and placed on orange alert for possible floods The Pas-de-Calais was hit, in the night of Monday to Tuesday, by slight floods. “Cumulative rainfall” have notably overflowed the Liane, a river that flows into the Channel at Boulogne-sur-Mer. “Since Monday late afternoon, continuous and significant rains have watered the […]

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At the passage of the Storm Amélie, gusts at 149 km / h were recorded in the night from Saturday to Sunday

Storm Amélie: 17 Departments on Orange Alert, Winds of More Than 150 km/h Registered

Thunderstorms, wind, rain and floods. The passage of the storm Amélie brings its lot of bad weather conditions. We take stock of the situation this Sunday 3rd November he first autumn storm of the year, dubbed Amélie, fell on France this weekend, with strong winds recorded in the night from Saturday 2nd to Sunday, November 3rd, 2019.  In its 6-hour bulletin, […]

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The storm Amélie is expected in the Basque Country tonight with strong gusts of wind. (© Illustration © Pixabay)

Weather. The Storm Amélie en route to the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

The storm Amélie arrives on the Basque and Landes coasts and in the surrounding area. Gusts of wind can reach 120 km/h. The storm named Amélie comes from England, with heavy rains and strong winds that will begin on the night of Saturday, November 2nd to Sunday 3rd November 2019 . Gusts of wind will reach 120km/h on the coast […]

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