200 protestors in Chateaubriant against the Labour Code

Chateaubriant: 200 Protesters against Labour Code

This Tuesday 12th September, 200 to 250 people gathered outside the Town Hall of Chateaubriant, the call of local unions CGT and Solidaires (Sud PTT). They are protesting against the orders to be submitted to the Council of Ministers of 22 September and to reform the Labour Code. “These measures will enhance the reversal of the […]

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Nearly 3000 protestors were in Lorient against the changes to the Labour Code

Labour Code: Nearly 3000 Protesters in Lorient

Social protests return on Tuesday morning between the place of Lorient Town Hall and Avenue La Perrière in Lorient. Nearly 3,000 people have answered the call of five unions to protest against the reform of the labour law. At the call of unions CGT, FO, FSU, Solidaires and UNEF, nearly 3,000 people marched Tuesday morning between […]

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Fuel shortages should ease after CGT union calls for a return to normal

Fuel: The CGT Announces a Return to Normal on Thursday

After six days of strikes that have dried up several hundred service stations in France, the spokesman of the CGT federation of transport announced on Thursday morning that the supply of Fuel should resume on Thursday. Fabrice Michaud, spokesman of the CGT federation for transport, said Thursday morning that “the recovery” of labor in the fuel depots […]

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Discussions between CGT and Government to try and end Fuel strike

Fuels: Towards the end of the Tanker Driver Strike?

The CGT Transport, causing strikes and distrupting the transport of fuels for six days, welcomed on Wednesday “significant progress” and deemed possible the “lifting of the strike”. “We achieved significant progress” that could lead to “the lifting of the strike for the three-day Pentecost weekend,”  told the press Jérôme Truth (CGT), after a meeting more than two hours at the […]

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Unions to meet the minister of Transport over fuel crisis

Fuel: Unions meet the Ministry of Transport on Wednesday

The Minister of Transport, Elizabeth Borne, organizes this Wednesday a meeting with the unions of the drivers transporting hazardous materials in the heart of a social movement which leads to fuel shortages in Île-de-France. The government has confirmed that they have had discussions on Wednesday the trade unions to discuss the situation of the strike by […]

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Fuel shortages are increasing in France as the Strike by tanker drivers continues

Fuel: Sixth day of strike of Tanker Drivers, 850 affected stations

Employees of road transport of hazardous materials (fuel, gas, chemicals …) begin their sixth day of strike for better recognition of the profession. Wednesday morning, more than 800 petrol stations were affected by the move, including 429 in total shortage. Truck drivers transporting hazardous materials (fuels, gas …) were beginning Wednesday in the Ile de France […]

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Tanker drivers are continuing with their Fuel Strike action on Wednesday

Fuel Strike: The drivers Renew their Strike for Wednesday

The truck drivers strike will be renewed on Wednesday. The strikers have many demands: a daily maximum working period from 10 am, a special semi-annual medical monitoring, a minimum hourly rate of € 14 per hour and a thirteenth month. Tanker drivers and drivers of hazardous materials (fuels, gas …) will continue on Wednesday their strike […]

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The bridge in Saint-Nazaire will be crossed by strikers Tuesday afternoon

Saint Nazaire: The Bridge Crossed by a Strike this Tuesday afternoon

The FO and CGT unions in the public medico-social Establishment (EPMS) Littoral, based in Saint-Brevin, call on workers to demonstrate at the entrance of the bridge of Saint-Nazaire, Brévinois side between 1.30 and 3.30pm Tuesday afternoon. It may stub on the bridge of Saint-Nazaire Tuesday afternoon. The CGT and FO unions of the Établissement public médico-social […]

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Some strikers this morning in Donges.

Donges: The Oil Depot is Blocked by the Strikers

Fifteen strikers spent the day this Friday at the entrances of the oil depot SFDM and the Total refinery of Donges (Loire-Atlantique). They will also be on site tomorrow morning, Saturday. “No truck could not get in or out of the two sites,” explain these drivers of hazardous materials working for Lorcy companies Samat, Hautier etc. The call to […]

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