Electric car sales doubled in Europe in 2020

Automotive: Electric Car Sales Doubled in Europe in 2020

TRANSPORT: The European market has been cut by a quarter of its sales by the health crisis, but sales of hybrid and electric vehicles have exceeded sales of diesel in Europe A good year for the automobile. Sales of electric vehicles doubled in Europe in 2020, while sales of plug-in hybrids tripled, topping a total of one million vehicles sold, according […]

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European Union looks at common vaccine certificates to help summer tourism amid pandemic

European Union Looks at Common Vaccine Certificates to Help Summer Tourism Amid Pandemic

The European Union is looking at a common vaccine certificate to help get travellers to their vacation destinations and prevent tourism from suffering another disastrous year due to the coronavirus pandemic. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said the certificates for individuals who have been vaccinated could be combined with coronavirus Covid-19 tests for […]

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A Rafale fighter jet during an air show at the Hindon Air Force Station on the outskirts of New Delhi, India, Oct. 8, 2020.

Greece Approves Purchase of 18 French-Made Rafale Fighter Planes Amid Tensions with Turkey

ECONOMY: Greece has approved the purchase of 18 French-made Rafale Aircraft costing over 2 billion euros Greek lawmakers in a vote on Thursday approved a defence procurement program to purchase 18 French-made Rafale fighter planes, part of an armaments plan announced by the government in September. Greece has earmarked 11.5 billion euros ($14 billion) for […]

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Shops in Toulouse and Haute-Garonne are authorized to open every Sunday in January.

Coronavirus in Haute-Garonne: Shops May Open Every Sunday in January

RETAIL: A  prefectural decree allows businesses in Haute-Garonne to open on Sundays in January if their employees are volunteers According to the prefect Etienne Guyot, it is a question of “better regulating the flows” and of “supporting the local economic life”, in a very precarious health context. The shops of Haute-Garonne will be able to open every Sunday in January, […]

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Lille Startup, Sencrop has installed Weather sensors in Gironde

Gironde: How the Start-Up Sencrop is Attracting More and More Winegrowers with its Weather Sensors

TECHNOLOGY: The Lille start-up Sencrop, has already installed some 500 weather sensors throughout the Gironde These weather sensors placed in the vineyard plots make it possible to anticipate episodes of frost or hail, and above all to refine the treatments with phytosanitary products. These sensors can operate in a network, with winegrowers being able to share […]

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Beverage wholesalers have lost 90 percent of revenues due to confinement measures

Confinement: With Bars and Restaurants Closed, Beverage Wholesalers “Have Lost More than 90% of their Turnover”

Beverage wholesalers in Hauts-de-France have lost “at least 90% of their customers” with the closure of restaurants and bars Beverage distributors are hit hard by the economic crisis linked to the Covid-19 pandemic with the closure of bars and restaurants. As beverage distributors are still working a little by delivering certain customers such as communities, […]

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Due to the confinement, small busiinesses in the Pays-de-la-Loire face closures

Confinement in Pays-de-la-Loire: Between 15 and 20% of Small Businesses Threatened with Closure

CRISIS: U2P, the leading French employers’ organisation, fears a “wave of closures” in 2021 in the Pays-de-la-Loire region U2P is the employers’ union for VSEs and SMEs in the trade, craft and liberal professions sectors. Its new president in Pays-de-la-Loire is worried about the consequences of the crisis in 2021. “There is a lot of suffering, […]

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In the meantime, small traders have set up Click & Collect, as here in Rueil-Malmaison, in the Hauts-de-Seine.

Confinement: Traders Want to be Able to Open “Every Sunday” in December

CORONAVIRUS: In an open letter to Emmanuel Macron, federations of traders claim “the possibility of opening every Sunday” in December, while the head of state is to announce Tuesday an adaptation of the rules of confinement After the announcement of the postponement of “Black Friday” , several federations of traders asked this Saturday in an open letter to Emmanuel […]

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Prime Minister Jean Castex took stock of the situation two weeks after the start of the second confinement, Thursday, November 12, 2020

Confinement: Jean Castex Announces that the Rules will be Maintained at least until December 1st

The Prime Minister spoke Thursday 12th November for an update on the Covid-19 epidemic and the measures taken to stop it, 15 days after the new confinement. Two weeks after the establishment of a new confinement to try to stop the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, the Prime Minister was expected to take stock of the situation.  Jean Castex spoke at […]

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Why are the French not protesting against the restrictive confinement measures

Confinement: No Massive Mobilisation Against Restrictive Measures, Even If “The Anger is There”

SOCIAL: In several European countries, the restrictive measures for confinement have led to protest movements, sometimes leading to clashes with the police. As the coronavirus circulates actively across Europe, governments are taking restrictive measures everywhere. These announcements led to massive mobilizations in several European countries, sometimes leading to clashes with the police. In France, anger is […]

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