A truck overturned at the exit leading to Vaiges on the A81.

In Mayenne, a Truck Accident at the Exit of the A81: the Ramp has been Closed

An accident occurred early this morning of Friday 5th April 2024 on the A81, near Vaiges (Mayenne). A heavy goods vehicle lay down on the exit ramp, in the Paris-Province direction. The latter remained closed to traffic while the cleaning was completed. This Friday 5th April 2024, shortly before 8 a.m., a road accident occurred on […]

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Car accident in Saint-Nazaire

A 26-year-old Man Died in an Accident in Saint-Nazaire

A traffic accident occurred on the Océanis roundabout, in Saint-Nazaire, from Thursday 4th April to Friday 5th April. One death and three injuries have been reported An accident caused the death of a 26-year-old man. Around 1:30 am, on the night of Thursday 4th April to Friday 5th April, firefighters intervened in the town of […]

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Paris traders affected by the bad weather

Tourism: Affected by the Weather, Traders are Suffering but Looking to the Future

BUSINESS: Record rains for a month are sinking tourist consumption in Paris For nearly a month, capricious weather has been beating down on Paris as on the entire northern part of the country, somewhat spoiling the holidays of the many tourists in the capital. This situation that does not help the business of traders who are […]

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Coldplay in concert in Lyon in 2024 for two dates

Lyon: Coldplay in Concert in the City in 2024 for Two Dates

MUSIC: On the occasion of a new world tour, the group Coldplay will give two concerts, on 22nd and 23rd June 2024, at the Groupama Stadium in Lyon They will be back seven years after their last appearance. Coldplay has just announced two concerts at Groupama Stadium in Lyon on the 22nd June and 23rd June 2024, as part […]

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In La Baule, the CRS patrol in the city and on the beach in uniform, but also monitor the beaches.

The announced CRS Reinforcements arrive in La Baule for the Summer

The arrival of CRS announced in La Baule (Loire-Atlantique) had been suspended because of urban violence. Finally, the seasonal reinforcements will be welcomed on Sunday 16th July by the prefect. Like every year, a CRS company will be present in La Baule this summer. “  Sixty-eight CRS are welcomed within the La Baule / Le Pouliguen / Pornichet […]

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Safety of beaches and the wild coast: what's new in Batz-sur-Mer

Safety of Beaches and the Wild Coast: What’s New in Batz-sur-Mer

Every summer, the safety of the beaches of La Govelle and Valentin, in Batz-sur-Mer (Loire-Atlantique), is entrusted to the lifeguards of the SNSM within the framework of an annual convention. In order for the season to run as smoothly as possible, several rules have been renewed or adapted to ensure the safety of summer visitors and […]

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No fireworks this year at Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis).

Riots: This City Cancels its 14th July and its Summer Beach to Reimburse the Damage

The town hall of Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) wants to save money to be able to rebuild the infrastructure damaged during the riots. A decision that is not unanimous. The municipality of Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis) has taken a radical decision. In order to recover funds for the reconstruction of its city after the recent riots, the municipality has decided to […]

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Pouancé fireworks for bastille day, july 14th

Pouancé: Where to go for the 14th July Bastille Day Celebrations

JULY 14th  BASTILLE DAY: In Pouancé they will be having their traditional firework display If you are looking for somewhere to celebrate the National Day of July 14th or Bastille Day as it is also called, and you are near pouancé in the Ombrée-d’Anjou, then they are having their traditional firework display as usual. Bring […]

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Why we will not Celebrate on July 14th in Angoulême

Why we will not Celebrate on July 14th in Angoulême

Among the measures taken to save money, the town hall of Angoulême has given up on the traditional fireworks display on July 14th. No festive event is planned this Friday, a national holiday. The residents of Angoulême will go to bed early Friday evening, the national day to celebrate bastille day on July 14th. The […]

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