President of the Moto-Club Romagné for 35 years, Jean-Pierre Villerbue received the gold medal of the French Federation in Motocross
At its annual convention held in Chasseneuil-du-Poitou , the French motorcycle federation awarded Jean-Pierre Villerbue the gold medal, the highest federal distinction, for 35 years as President of the Motorcycle. Club of Romagné .
A fair reward for this fervent and committed man who has managed to lead his job as a farmer, his mandates as a municipal representative, a football refereeing career and the presidency of the Moto-Club Romagné .
Its dynamism and audacity have made the circuit of the Thouru Valleys an annual pass forced by the championships of France Elite. This will be the case again on April 13th and 14th, 2019 .