A new competition has been launched by architects and a citizen workshop to find a way to redevelop the current airport in Nantes.
The citizen workshop is working on ideas to maintain and optimize the existing Nantes Atlantique Airport. It was launched by architects, Ivan Fedele Fouquet and Franco, for which the existing airport in Bouguenais has real development opportunities, and strengths.
Since December, the workshop brings together sixty regular users, technicians, pilots, engineers, architects, architecture students, business leaders, etc.
The workshop has already made several proposals. Today, he wants to expand and enrich the process. This is why it is launching an alternative competition, “an international call for ideas”. This competition is open to all, especially architects, planners, engineers and artists.
The project: Nantes Atlantique for 7 million passengers. All elements of the alternative contest are posted www.aeroport.xyz.
“With this call for ideas, the citizen workshop aims for the alternative ideas for Nantes Atlantique Airport and invites architects, planners, landscape architects, artists, students, activists, artists, politicians, and anyone who thinks ingenious recycling and renovation urban, to propose ways of optimization and redevelopment of the existing Nantes Atlantique Airport (..) as an alternative to the proposed Notre-Dame-des-Landes, “.
Further information and ideas can be seen on the site, and in July the ideas will be narrowed down by different teams with the final presentation of completed projects completed for presentation in the Autumn.