The cinema of Plaisance-du-Touch was forced to close to the public in September 2017. But projections resumed Wednesday 14th February, 2018, with the same attractive prices.
Being able to pay for a place half as expensive as in a large cinema complex is a luxury that has benefited the inhabitants of Plaisance-du-Touch (Haute-Garonne), as well as neighboring municipalities like Toulouse, for many years . But since September 2017, the movie theatre of Plaisance-du-Touch have remained closed.
Re-equipped rooms
In June 2017, the town hall is forced to launch a call for projects. The “Screen 7” association, in charge of cinema in the previous years, decided to answer it, as did the association “Cap Ciné Arts Plaisance”. And it is this last, before the municipal commission, which is then supposed to take the reins from the month of August. Problem: the members of the association “Screen 7” refuse to give up the place, and increase the judicial remedies. Failure after failure, facing the Administrative Court of Toulouse, then the CNC (National Center for Cinema and Animated Image), the premises are released Friday, January 29, 2018.
Christophe Trogneux, one of the directors of the association “Cap Ciné Arts Plaisance”, details:
“Everything has been emptied. The seats, the screens, the projection equipment … We had two weeks to re-equip ourselves entirely. “
The main hall reopened on the 14th February, 2018, and was followed two days later by her younger sister. The last of the three rooms will be operational on Wednesday 21st February, 2018.
Rates same as before, specials for students
There was no doubt the greatest fear of the old moviegoers. Despite the change of manager, the new association will continue to apply the pricing policy of its predecessors. The full price is 5 euros. That’s about half the price of any other cinema complex in the Toulouse Basin!
“We already have programming ideas, in addition to mainstream movies coming out on the spot. One can think of art cinema and essay, a little bit. Or broadcasts of major sporting events, opera nights, or the opening and closing sessions of the Cannes Film Festival.”
The Plaisance-du-Touch cinema also intends to count on the presence of the Chevaliers du Fiel at the end of March 2018, during the screening of their film “Les Municipaux, les héros” . The comedians of Toulouse will be in the spotlight, in Plaisance-du-Touch.
Practical information:
Cinema Ciné Arts Pleasure CAP
1 rue des Fauvettes in Plaisance-du-Touch
Normal price: 5 euros
Reduced rate over 60 and under 14: 4 euros
Sunday morning: 4 euros
Subscription: 45 euros for 10 places ( purchase of the card: 2 euros)
Less than 18 years old or students: 21 euros the 5 places, 42 euros the 10 places (purchase of the card: 2 euros)
Find here all the programming of the cinema.