From Wednesday 9th June 2021, a new stage of gradual deconfinement in France, several restrictions will be eased, especially in bars and restaurants. Details.
It is the penultimate stage of deconfinement before, perhaps, a return to normal life. From June 9th, 2021, the French will once again be able to invest in the interior of bars and restaurants, return home later or play indoor sports. It is indeed this date that the government chose to reduce, or even eliminate, several restrictive measures intended to slow down the Covid-19 epidemic.
Postponement of the curfew, reopening of certain establishments… We take stock of what changes (or not) from this Wednesday in our daily life.
Curfew shifted to 11 p.m.
Two more hours of freedom. Until now set to 21h, the curfew will be pushed back to 11pm.
This is the very last step before the complete lifting of the curfew, scheduled for June 30th if the health situation allows.
Reopening of bars and restaurants
This is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated measures: the reopening of bars and restaurants. If, since May 19th, only part of the terraces is accessible, managers will be able from June 9 to welcome more customers.

Restaurant owners will in fact be authorized to serve their customers indoors, but with a 50% tonnage and a limit of six people per table. As for the terraces, they can open at 100% of their capacity, while retaining the rule of six people per table.
Reopening of sports establishments
Another good news: indoor sports establishments, such as sports halls, swimming pools or gymnasiums, will reopen their doors, except for contact sports.
There too there will be a gauge to be respected, namely 50% of the workforce for practitioners and 65% for spectators, “up to 5,000 people [against 800 so far, editor’s note] and with a health pass at – more than 1,000 people, ” the government specifies.
Outdoor sports activities are still possible within the limit of 25 people, “including contact sports”. As for outdoor competitions, they may take place within the limit of 500 participants.
Finally, all practitioners (including those in contact sports) will be able to visit the stadiums . No more behind closed doors: spectators will also have access to the stands, on condition that once again they respect the 65% of the workforce, up to 5,000 people seated [against 1,000 so far, editor’s note.] And with an obligation to present the health pass beyond 1,000 people.
More people in cultural and leisure venues
Reception conditions for the public in cultural and leisure venues are also changing.
- The museums will be able to welcome their visitors with a gauge of 4m² per person, against 8 m 2 currently.
- The cinemas, theatres, concert halls and marquees will be subject to a limit of 65% of the workforce, up to 5 000 people per room.
- The libraries also see their gauge be reported to 4m per visitor “and maintain a seat on two sitting configuration,” explains the website Public Service.
- Keenly awaited, the open-air seated festivals will be able to take place with a limit of 65% up to 5,000 people.
- Ditto for outdoor zoos.
- However, casinos will be subject to a limit of 50% of their capacity.
Gatherings remain limited
Regarding private and public gatherings, they will of course be authorized but subject to certain restrictions, depending on the occasion.
For family meals or aperitifs with friends at home, the rule remains the same: there are no real restrictions since the government can only issue recommendations and call for these meetings to be limited, and not imposed. a mandatory framework.
In the street, parks, gardens or any place outside, gatherings are limited to 10 people maximum. Including playing sports with friends.
The exhibitions and fairs will be able to be held and welcome visitors up to a limit of 50% of their capacity, up to 5,000 people.

As well as places of worship and ceremonies (weddings or Pacs) can be celebrated, respecting the rule of one location in two and the wearing of a mask. As for funeral ceremonies in cemeteries, they can be held in the presence of a maximum of 75 people.
In general, gatherings of more than 10 people will remain prohibited, except in exceptional cases (this is particularly the case for guided tours).
Teleworking can be made more flexible
Maintained so far, the rule of teleworking could be relaxed in companies. There will be no obligation, it will be up to the companies, in consultation with the social partners, to make the decision to bring their employees back in person.
At the same time, the latter will be able to consult and be inspired by the new health protocol drawn up by the government upstream of June 9th.

The return of the digital reminder
Already tested last summer, the reminder book will be making a comeback in certain establishments, such as bars, restaurants and even sports halls. Its goal: to invite customers to provide a reminder “in the event of risky exposure to Covid-19 “. In other words, when one or more positive cases for Covid-19 have been detected within the establishment.
This will take two forms, at the customer’s choice: a paper format on which the customer will enter their contact details, or in the form of a QR code at the entrance of the establishment, to be scanned with the TousAntiCovid application .
When a case is confirmed, the client receives a notification, in the form of an alert. There are two, reminds service-public:
- The orange alert: if at least one contagious and positive person was in the same place during the same time slot and declared himself in the application. The instructions are then to go get tested immediately, limit contact and monitor symptoms.
- The red alert: following the detection of a cluster with the instruction to self-isolate and be tested immediately
What does not change
In the midst of all these changes, two rules will be retained: the travel certificate, which will remain mandatory for travel outside of curfew hours, and respect for barrier gestures: physical distancing, regular hand washing, wearing a mask, etc.
In this regard, the President of the Scientific Council Jean-François Delfraissy estimated Wednesday, June 8 that wearing a mask should be mandatory until mid-July at least to face a possible fourth wave. This Wednesday, reopening day for the bars and restaurants of their interiors, is a decisive date, he added to the JT of France 2, where he was invited.
The Minister of Health Olivier Véran, guest of BFM Politics on Sunday 6th June 2021, had stressed to him that the wearing of a mask would remain compulsory inside and outside until the end of June. “What is also certain is that the French will not be asked to wear the mask one day longer than what is necessary,” he added.
And after ?
The next and final stage of deconfinement is scheduled for June 30th. Normally, on this date, there will be no more curfews or gauges in places open to the public and it will be possible to attend all indoor and outdoor events, with the sanitary pass.
There will still be limitations for some events, but they will be lightened. This will be the case for outdoor sports competitions for amateur practitioners (limit of 2,500 people) or even standing outdoor festivals (a space of 4 m 2 per festival-goer). In a month’s time, we should also know the conditions for reopening discos. Still a little patience…