TRUE OR FALSE: A document presented as an “information note” from the general direction of civil society mentions a “third confinement” in March 2021, followed by a mass vaccination campaign. He warns of the risk of a “climate of protest” in France.
- Several viral publications on social networks circulate a document presenting itself as an “information note” from the general directorate of civil security of the Ministry of the Interior.
- The document claims that the government planned a “third lockdown” in March 2021, followed by a massive vaccination campaign.
- The Ministry of the Interior denounces a false document.
An “information note” attributed to the general directorate of civil society of the Ministry of the Interior has been circulating in a particularly viral manner on social networks for a few days. Presented as an “original document” and dated November 10, the letter claims to reveal sensitive information on the date of a third confinement to fight the coronavirus epidemic, and on the vaccination campaign that would follow.
“The Defense Council having ruled for a third confinement on 12/03/2021, a climate of protest cannot be allowed before the deconfinement of spring 2021, without which the mass vaccination campaign will not be able to elicit popular consent”, is he possible to read on the document.

False Information ?
the Ministry of the Interior indicates that the document is a forgery. The Directorate-General for Civil Security and Crisis Management told AFP that the note “does not correspond to the graphic charter of civil security documents”, and that “the themes addressed are not within the remit of the general directorate of civil security ”. The latter is responsible for coordinating those involved in providing assistance to the populations, first and foremost the firefighters.
For the time being, only one certainty remains in relation to the confinement announced by Emmanuel Macron on October 28 and which was to last, at a minimum, until December 1. After this deadline, the Prime Minister, Jean Castex, spoke of a “gradual deconfinement” with “braking provisions” for the epidemic which will continue. On this subject, he will bring together the leaders of parties and political groups in the Assembly and the Senate on Friday.
Towards a vaccination campaign
Regarding a possible vaccination campaign, while several laboratories have announced the development of a vaccine against Covid-19 effective at more than 90% , the government is standing by, as Gabriel Attal indicated on Tuesday. , government spokesperson, on the France 2 plateau . France has already signed five contracts with different laboratories and should finalize a sixth agreement with Moderna in the coming days. “We have set aside 1.5 billion euros for 2021 to buy a first series of vaccines,” said the government spokesman.
The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, wanted to be reassuring on the effectiveness of future vaccines at the microphone of BFMTV on Tuesday: “The day when I would have an order to sign with an authorization from a health agency who told me : ‘You can offer the vaccine to France and to the French’, is that I will not only be able to vaccinate myself but also to vaccinate my parents and my children if it meets the indications. “