Institut Pasteur Anti-Covid-19 Vaccines: First Results Expected in October

General News
The Institut Pasteur is engaged in three anti-Covid-19 vaccine projects, the most advanced of which, based on a modified measles vaccine, should give first results in October.

One of the three Covid-19 vaccine projects on which the Institut Pasteur is working is progressing well. Interview with the coordinator of the vaccine programs, Christiane Gerke.

The Institut Pasteur is engaged in three anti-Covid-19 vaccine projects, the most advanced of which, based on a modified measles vaccine, should give first results in October.

Three questions to the coordinator of the vaccine programs, Christiane Gerke.

“We will have to prepare hundreds of millions of doses quickly”

Question: What is the schedule for clinical trials for your Covid vaccine from a modified measles vaccine?

“The green lights (regulatory to start clinical trials, note ) are expected for July. Clinical trials will start immediately after these green lights. The first results of phase I are expected by the end of October. Phase II or phase II / III is scheduled for early December. ”

In the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, could phase II or III clinical trials which mainly aim to establish the efficacy of a vaccine, be transformed into the first targeted vaccination campaign?

A: “Not directly. However, as soon as sufficient data have been collected on the quality, safety, efficacy, immunogenicity and performance of the vaccine, classification for emergency use by WHO may be requested. This allows the use of products which are not yet authorized. It must also be taken into account that large-scale manufacturing will have to be planned at the same time in order to quickly prepare hundreds of millions of doses. ”

Which populations would be targeted as a priority for the first vaccination campaigns?

A: “It will depend on the performance of the vaccine in phase II / III trials in the different age categories, as well as the number of doses of vaccine available, the evolution of the epidemic, our understanding of the mechanisms of different gravity and of the knowledge that we will acquire in the coming months. ”

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