Netflix Accounts for Nearly a Quarter of Internet Traffic in France

Tech News
Netflix accounts for nearly a quarter of Internet traffic in France

INTERNET: With Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook, we even surpass 50% for only four content providers

Watching Stranger Things in 4K consumes bytes! Four major content providers – Netflix, Google, Akamai and Facebook – alone account for 53% of French Internet traffic, Netflix is the undisputed champion according to the report on the state of the internet released Thursday by Arcep, the regulator French telecom.

Netflix accounts for about 23% of traffic and Google about 17%, according to a graph of Arcep that does not give the exact values. Akamai, a content delivery network (a sort of relay used by content providers to facilitate distribution), is around 8%, while Facebook is around 5%, according to the same graph. The reported traffic is measured by the main Internet access providers in France, Orange, Free, SFR and Bouygues.


The figures show “a growing concentration of traffic between a small number of players whose position on the content market is strengthened,” notes Arcep in his report.

After the top quartet, the rankings include another content delivery network, Level 3 CDN, then Amazon, Canal +, OVH (web host) and Twitch (social network for video players).

Among its many technical information, the Arcep report also mentions the average mobile Internet speeds in France. All technologies combined, the average of the downstream was 30 megabits per second in 2018. If we take only the 4G, the average downflow is 39 megabits per second.

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