Meteo France has just placed five departments in the Paris region, including the Seine-et-Marne, which is on alert in the heat wave.
A heat wave is expected in France this week.
In Ile-de-France, temperatures are high in Paris-Petite Couronne and Seine-et-Marne. The maximum temperatures recorded this Sunday 23rd June at 3pm are 30 ° C in the Luxembourg Garden, 29 ° C in Nemours, and 28 ° C in Paris-Montsouris and Fontainebleau.
Not less than 19 ° C at night
The rise of hot air from the Sahara will generate, this afternoon, a continuous rise in maximum temperatures. The maximum temperatures will first be between 32 and 35 ° C. They will reach mid-week up to 38 to 40 ° C in the warmest of the episode.
The nights will also be warm with temperatures that will not drop below 18 or 19 ° C.
In this context, Paris and Seine-et-Marne were placed in an orange alert.

Here are the tips of Meteo France:
- If you feel unwell or have a problem with your behaviour, call a doctor.
- If you need help call the town hall.
- If you have elderly, chronically ill or isolated people around you, check with them or visit them twice a day. Join them in a cool place.
- During the day, close shutters, curtains and windows. Air at night.
- Use a fan and/or air conditioning if you have one. Otherwise try to go to a cool or air-conditioned place (supermarkets, cinemas …) two to three hours a day.
- Wet the body several times a day with a mist, a washcloth or taking showers or baths.
- Adults and children: drink plenty of water, elderly people: drink 1.5L of water a day and eat normally.
- Do not go out at the hottest hours (11am to 9pm).
- If you must go out, wear a hat and light clothing.
- Limit your physical activities.