This Monday around noon, several Internet users have reported problems of internet connection and 4G on the Orange network. Contacted by many media, the group explained that a “maintenance operation” was at the origin of the giant failure, without giving more details.
You are an Orange customer and you had difficulties to connect to the Internet via your box or your smartphone? Do not panic, you are certainly concerned by the giant blackout that paralyzed the Orange network on Monday, said the site Down detector . On the social networks, several Internet users also mentioned the technical problem.
Panne Orange ? Panne Google ? Panne Twitter ? C’est moi ou rien ne marche depuis ce matin ?
— Koideneuf Officiel (@koideneufX) April 15, 2019
Apparemment des soucis réseau chez @Orange_France sur la fibre notamment
— Gonzague 👨🏼💻 (@gonzague) April 15, 2019
The breakdown would have occurred around noon on the whole of the French territory.According to Down detector, 55% of the problems concern fixed Internet, 27% for mobile Internet and 16% for telephone calls. A map generated by the site indicates that these problems have been reported in much of France, particularly in the Paris, Lyon and Nantes regions.

“Maintenance operation “
“Following a maintenance operation, our customers were able to meet this morning, between 11:45 and 12:45, difficulties in using their internet and mobile service. Orange teams were fully mobiliszed to restore service as soon as possible. The service is well established and nominal since 12.45pm. We apologise for the inconvenience, “ said a spokesman for the group to BFMTV .