If for some, the love is in the meadow, in Callac, it blooms rather at the roundabout of Kerguiniou, strategic meeting place of the Yellow Vests since the beginning of the movement.
In full mobilisation of yellow vests , this couple showed that beautiful things could also be born of the movement. Bertrand Rocheron and Soizic Dellès, engaged in the movement, said “yes” to the town hall of Callac (Côtes-d’Armor) , Saturday, February 16, in front of the Deputy Mayor Jean-Pierre Trémel.
The two lovers, all dressed in yellow, exchanged their wedding rings on the Kerguiniou roundabout at 4.30 pm, to the cheers of a hundred yellow vests.

In a relationship since 1993
Living as a couple since 1993, parents of three boys, Bertrand and Soizic had never married.
Despite repeated requests from his companion, Soizic had always refused.

In Callac, love is on the roundabout
After another attempt by Bertrand, last December, on the roundabout Kerguiniou, a strategic meeting place for yellow vests, the beautiful ended up accepting.
Only if a petition in favour of this marriage collects at least 1,000 signatures. A figure largely exceeded, since they are 2,347 people who encouraged the lovebirds to formalise their union!

Needless to say, the “dress code” was respected by everyone, the yellow color dominating very widely, from the car that led the future bride to the mayor’s office to the yellow carpet spread under a yellow arch, flowered with yellow, for the exchange of alliances on the roundabout!