The prefect of Morbihan announced that all degraded Speed Cameras will be repaired by April. There is urgency: unlike the rest of France, road mortality continues to increase in the department, and speed is more and more involved.
By the month of April, the thirty radars of Morbihan will all be operational. Concerned by a new rise in the number of deaths on the roads of Morbihan in 2018 (46 against 40 in 2017), the prefect of Morbihan Raymond Le Deun has announced that the fifteen radars out of service in the department will be operational again in the coming weeks. After the movement of yellow vests, one speed camera out of two was out of service , “but they repair quickly enough,“ reassures the prefect, who points out that the note of these repairs, will be very salty for the taxpayer who is often motorist .. .
One-third more deaths
Motorists and their passengers have already paid a high price for speeding, which is causing more and more deaths in the department, just behind alcohol and narcotics. “The cause speed is constantly increasing in fatal accidents. It went from 6 in 2016, to 8 in 2017 and 12 in 2018, “ he notes, noting that the average age of deceased drivers is very young: 24.7 years.
How to explain this rise in the number of deaths by almost a third in two years? The prefect has no answer but notes that the blocking operations of the Yellow Vests have strongly mobilised the police to the detriment of other missions such as road safety.
Additional speed cameras

And if many damaged radars can no longer take pictures, they continue to record speeds. “They went up 20% where the radars were taken out of service. This justifies their implementation and proves that it is perfectly legitimate to continue to work on high speeds, “ said Raymond Le Deun who qualifies as ” likely “ the implementation of additional radars.