Between 500 and 700 yellow vests, according to sources, walked in the streets of Dole, Saturday 19th January, 2019, from the Avenue de Lahr.
The Yellow Jackets demobilised? Obviously not to Dole … Saturday 19th January, 2019 , for the act 10 of their mobilisation, they were between 500 and 700 , according to the sources, to have made rendezvous at the beginning of the avenue de Lahr, in the city Pasteur at 9am.
For more than two hours, protesters, reinforced by a procession from Besançon, marched through the streets of the city, with a lot of banners and slogans.
Around 11am, arrived at the Place du 8-Mai, they agreed to a new gathering in the afternoon, in Besançon this time, with a carpool organized at 1pm from the Avenue de Lahr to get to the destination .