On the night of Monday 4th to Tuesday 5th June 2018, lightning struck a house in Langrune-sur-Mer near Caen.The damage is massive
From Monday 4th to Tuesday 5th June 2018, lightning struck a house on rue des Tulipes in Langrune-sur-Mer (Calvados). An alert for violent storms had been launched
All water pipes exploded
The occupant’s sister says:
“Lightning has entered one side and emerged from the other. The roof exploded, the tiles rose, the gas meter caught fire, all the water pipes on the floor also exploded. It’s full of water.”
90% of the roof is ruined
Firefighters worked part of the night. “90% of the roof is ruined. There is no one hurt but a lot of shock and fear! “. In the morning, the neighborhood was still without electricity and telephone.