The arrival of the sun sign the return of pollen. For several days, the whole country has been hit hard by a large wave of pollen. Beware of allergies.
The season of pollen allergies is launched! For several days , the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network (RNSA) has a particularly colourful pollen vigilance map . And with the arrival of good weather, especially in the West of France, for the week of April 16th to 21st, 2018, we can expect a situation increasingly complicated.

Red alert with birch pollen
The France is cut in half with the pollen of birch trees that invade the north and pollens of plane trees will gain ground in the south.
“The risk of allergy will be very high in the coming days for birch pollen north of a Bordeaux-Lyon line and in the Alps. Ash pollen is increasing throughout the country with a high risk of allergy. The pollen of charms will be more and more present with a risk of allergy which can reach the high level, reports the report of the RNSA.”
Around the Mediterranean, plane trees have taken over cypresses with a risk of medium-level allergy. Oak pollen is starting to appear in the south with a low risk of allergy. In the south-west of the country, grass pollen will always be present with a risk of medium-level allergy.
“A sudden arrival”
For Gilles Oliver, aerobiologist at the RNSA , “we have a feeling this year that the trees really waited for a little warmer to start flowering.” The expert reports indeed “that in very large majority, on a big part north of France, it is the pollens of birch and ash which reigns in the airs! ”
“We have the feeling that it’s gone at once. The pollen arrived suddenly and started the allergy season in a particularly strong way!”
Gilles Oliver believes that this peak of pollen in the air “should last until the end of the week and start a big part of the next! ”
Simple actions to avoid risks
The anticyclonic conditions of the next days will favor the pollination of trees and herbaceous plants. Result? Allergy sufferers will have to protect themselves with simple gestures.
- Rinse your hair at night,
- encourage windows to open before sunrise and after sunset
- avoid drying clothes outside,
- drive with the windows closed,
- well follow his treatment and consult his doctor in case of symptoms,
- avoid mowing the lawn especially in case of grass allergy,
- avoid cypress hedges if you are allergic to them
- do not make intense efforts.
Practical information:
To find out about the state of the aerobiological situation, consult this site .