The five departments of Normandy and Côtes-d’Armor have been placed in a yellow alert for thunderstorms. The thunder will be heard on the evening of Saturday 21st April, 2018.
Meteo France has launched, for the five departments of Normandy but also the Côtes-d’Armor (Brittany), a warning of thunderstorms at the yellow alert level. Thirty or so French departments are indeed affected by this climatic phenomenon.

The start of hostilities should occur around 5 pm and run until 1 am The Prefecture of Calvados reports “that storms are often accompanied by strong gusts of wind and showers. Prudence, then, at the end of the afternoon.
Precautions of use to implement:
- It is necessary to move away from high bridges and metal structures and to find shelter in a building or a vehicle.
- Do not shelter under trees
- Limit road speed in case of rain
- Stay alert to possible falls of various objects
- Do not work on roofs and never touch ground wires
- Store or fix objects that are sensitive to wind effects or that may be damaged
- Avoid using telephone and electrical appliances, Report without waiting for fire starts