An accident took place on Thursday 25th January, 2018 between a car and a school bus. The clash occurred on the RN524 near Eauze, Gers. 27 people were injured.
The clash took place on Thursday 25th January just after 1pm. On the RN524 near Eauze (Gers) , a car and a bus carrying 44 students from the College Jean Rostand and six companions collided. 27 people were injured. Three teenagers are in serious condition.
Two have already been airlifted to the hospital in Pau.
Major emergency resources were incurred by the SDIS Gers, supported by two helicopters. A field hospital was notably installed on the site of this tragic accident.
Many gendarmes from the Gers battalion group are also on the scene to allow the smooth progress of emergency operations and shed light on the circumstances of the accident.
According to the first elements collected on the spot, the young driver of the car involved, aged 20 years old, wanted to cross a road and it doesn’t appear that did not see the oncoming bus.
Traffic in the area was cut.
[RT/@CEZOC13].@Prefet32 25/01/2018 à 13h35 RN 524 EAUZE.Un accident entre un bus et un véhicule léger est actuellement en cours .Axe coupé. Secteur à éviter.
— traficalert méditerr (@trafic_sud) January 25, 2018