The French political class has not failed to react to the television interview of Emmanuel Macron, followed Sunday night by 9.5 million viewers.
The French political class has not failed to react to the television interview of Emmanuel Macron, followed Sunday night by 9.5 million viewers. This allows the president to climb on the podium of TV audiences .
Macron took an example on Obama

“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” , the painting installed behind Emmanuel Macron, was painted by Shepard Fairey, known under the pseudonym of “Obey”. If his style tells you something, it is because this artist is 47 years behind the famous drawing “Hope”, symbol of the Barack Obama campaign in 2008.
More than six in ten French (61%) say they have not been convinced, according to a Harris Interactive poll for RMC and Atlantico Monday. Only 39% of respondents are of the opposite opinion.
Among the most critical, his main opponents in the political arena.
Bernard Cazeneuve , the former prime minister, found Emmanuel Macron “predictable” and “as in itself” Sunday night on TF1 and LCI, reiterating his criticism against the budget presented by the government.

“There is in the implementation of its policy a concern for justice that I do not assertive enough. In particular budget . When we decide, when we said there were three months ago in trouble the public finance situation was appalling, to set up 4.5 billion tax break for the wealthiest french taxpayers, 3.5 under the ISF and 1.5 under that is called the flat tax, and at the same time it is over 3 billion 3.5 billion increase in the CSG on the poorest pensioners, is that right? ” , Pointed to Bernard Cazeneuve.
“When creating the conditions, these tax measures, for a person who has a wealth of 400 million euros has a reduced tax of 6 million per year, while at the same time a retired couple who just over 2,000 euros will increase its CSG 600 euros, is that right? ” , He said.
And question again: “When we see the change by measuring the taxation of capital, the flat tax, that those who derive their income from capital, the pension will be taxed at 12.8% while the most modest of French with an income of 9,700 euros will be taxed at 14%, is it just? ” Added the former budget minister.
Richard Ferrand , president of LREM group in the National Assembly appreciated the intervention of the president: “No blah, results, that’s what the French want” , he began.
“It’s not my fault if some of your colleagues (journalists) chose to ten or fifteen minutes on the famous brothel. It would be better to talk of Europe and ecology. But you know the freedom of the press “ has crazy MP Finistère, as was done to him that the head of State had spoken neither in Europe nor ecology.

“We should not now try to find out what is right, left, etc ., The very foundation of the approach we have conducted since the election campaign is precisely to overcome a number of divisions and do what that is effective and fair. therefore we have to change in order to read what we do and not take old code to new practices. Otherwise no one will understand. ”
Philippe Martinez, the secretary general of the CGT union said on Monday that Emmanuel Macron was “more than ever the president for billionaires” after his televised speech, “step in the real world” .

“It is more than ever the president of billionaires and he assumes touting the successful ones – the famous first climber – and despising those who are fighting to keep their jobs” , denounced Philippe Martinez. He resumed the metaphor of the President on the rope pulled by those who succeed, to add: “If there is the first climber goes up and the others break the figure, that is not good” .
He criticized Emmanuel Macron of “advocating success for some as a kind of model of society and to treat others lazy because they can not do it” .
Marine Le Pen, president of the Front National party, said that the intervention of Emmanuel Macron was “the level of a prime minister” . She denounced a “nomadic society, a construction project” the head of state.

“In a speech punctuated by tunnels technocratic level of a Prime Minister, we have seen a president who is trying laboriously to explain his style judged almost unanimously dismissive or sufficient and systems that appear over the explanations as gas plants “ writes Le Pen. “Basically, it confirmed its plan to build a nomadic society with priorities reaffirmed loop: push employees to resign more easily by opening them the right to compensation, forcing the unemployed to work while away from home them, stalk investors expected to invest their savings in the casino, designate homeowners targets. ”
” His demonstration faces notorious inconsistencies: how to solve, as he claims, the housing problem by discouraging investment in the stone? How believe that increasing the CSG, it increases the purchasing power of pensioners? “ .
Followed by 9.5 million viewers Sunday night on TF1 and LCI, or 36.6% of market share, Emmanuel Macron got the third best TV audience of the year, behind the Enfoirés and debate of the five favorites in the first round of presidential elections.
The president, interviewed for an hour by Anne-Claire Coudray Gilles Birch and David Pujadas, spent his first oral exam. Elected last May, he had never expressed this way on French television since taking office.
If Emmanuel Macron waited until mid-October to speak, his predecessors had answered them much earlier invitations from television. May 29, 2012, François Hollande was selected as the 20 Hours of France 2 to speak, three weeks after his election. 6.2 million French were appointments (24.3% market share). A much lower score than that of Nicolas Sarkozy, on 20 June 2007, a month and a half after his election was followed by 11.6 million people (48.9% audience) on TF1.
The language used by Emmanuel Macron on different topics.
Unemployment: “The fullness of the reforms” and their effects on unemployment, “you’ll see in a year and a half, two years” .
“Bloody mess”: “I have not sought to humiliate those who do not care mess” , targeting employees of the company GM & O. “Our political elites are accustomed to not say things, to have a speech somehow sanitized. And to think that what was intolerable was the word was put and not reality” , was it justified, considering that “the word bloody mess is the popular word at the moment” .
Decision making: “At the end of ends, strategic decisions are taken by the president but everyday decisions, the daily trade-offs are made by the Prime Minister, in accordance with our institutions” .

Profit sharing: “When I feel better, I want employees can also have their share of success” , pleaded the president, who wants to “revisit this beautiful invention Gaullist profit-sharing and participation” and called to “a real debate on this point” in 2018.
Resigning: the entitlement to unemployment allowances to resign, campaign promise, will be “framed” and will “if a project” from the resigning .
“With a little common sense, every 5 years, 6 years, 7 years, we can give this right to employees” .
PMA: “On these social issues, the policy should not impose the choice hurting the conscience” , considered the president wanted “a peaceful debate” in 2018.
Harvey Weinstein: Emmanuel Macron said it had “engaged steps” to the Legion of Honor is removed to the US producer, accused of rape, sexual assault or harassment.
Harassment: the president announced a “simpler ticketing procedure”harassing actions “for there to be an immediate response” , lamenting that“today, often we will not complain, because we do not dare “
The future of daily security police “will be among its priorities the fight against harassment and in particular in transport” .
CSG: Emmanuel Macron urged retirees to consider “all” of its proposal to increase the CSG while lowering council tax, defending “a measure of justice” .
“I really think it is a measure -All, because you always take things in together- justice” , said the head of state, asked about the discontent facing upward 1.7 points in the CSG in 2018, which mainly hit retired.
Since 2018,“as council tax goes, I plug you my ticket, as trivially said that from next year, in a majority of cases (…) offset these 1.7 CSG” has -t he argues.
“When all of this reform will be conducted” with the decrease in three years the housing tax by 2020, “80% of retirees will gain purchasing power” , he assured.
ISF: “I do not think the French jealousy that is to say there are rich taxa them, we will bring us better” , he said, when asked about the removal of the solidarity tax on fortune (ISF
“I do not think the runoff” , said Emmanuel Macron, referring to the doctrine that considers tax breaks for the wealthiest taxpayers also benefit the poorest stimulating the economy as a whole.
However, “I believe in the rope, there are men and women who are successful because they have talent, I want them famous (…) if we start throwing stones on the first climber is the climber who tumbles all “ .
Illegals: Emmanuel Macron has promised that all “illegal aliens” who commit an offense “whatever will be expelled” , promising to.
Iran: Emmanuel Macron has confirmed that he foresaw to visit Iran “at the appropriate time” , which would be the first visit by a French head of state to Iran since 1976, by reiterating his “disagreement” with Donald Trump on the Iranian nuclear issue.